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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Category A life

Checklist: 8 signs that you are stuck
ALEXANDRA SAVINA Stability attracts many - however, it also happens that we do not notice behind a comfortable routine that we have rested against a wall, although we could (and would like) move further. We have collected a few signs that will help look at what is happening in your life. An important caveat: apathy can be a sign of a depressive episode, so if you have been feeling sluggish and irritable for a long time, your sleep or relationship with food has changed, and your interests have disappeared, then it is better to go to a psychotherapist rather than focus on the list below.

Cosmetic bag - Popular Posts, 2024

Artist Sonya Borisova about body positiv and favorite cosmetics
Artist Sonya Borisova about body positiv and favorite cosmetics

For the category "Cosmetic Bag" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of the characters we are interested in - and we show all this to you. About care If we talk about care, then everything is very simple: there are almost no rashes on my skin, even as a teenager I walked without acne. Of course, a pimple may jump once every three months, but I do not panic about it.

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Daria Samkovich, designer brand I am
Daria Samkovich, designer brand I am

FOR THE FACE "FACE" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of girls of interest to us - and show all this to you. About the attitude to cosmetics I experiment a lot just because I do not find the good. Well, I am also attracted to new technologies, beautiful jars and promising results that provoke experiments.

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Makeup artist Gevorg about your favorite cosmetics and work
Makeup artist Gevorg about your favorite cosmetics and work

FOR THE FACE "FACE" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of characters that are interesting to us - and we show all this to you. About aging Every year the theme of care for the face excites me more and more. I am afraid of aging prematurely. Not that I'm afraid of old age, no, stately ladies at the age and men with their eternal accessory - a beard - look very much.

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PR manager Diana Abdullina on travel care and cosmetics
PR manager Diana Abdullina on travel care and cosmetics

For the "Available" column, we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of characters that are interesting to us - and we show all this to you. About leaving Exuberant madness on cosmetics overtook me at nineteen after a little teenage depression. It seems to me that beauty-hobbies are the easiest way to help psychological comfort.

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Tutor Snezhana Makogonenko on Tbilisi and favorite cosmetics
Tutor Snezhana Makogonenko on Tbilisi and favorite cosmetics

In the "Cosmetic Bag" section we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of characters that are interesting to us - and we show all this to you. Interview: Margarita Virov Photos: Alena Yermishin Snezhana Makogonenko English tutor, author of the telegram channel Tbilisi still loves me Recently I turned thirty-one years old and I can say that everything here is steeper than at twenty. a year, and I can say to everyone who is afraid of this figure - everything is steeper here than at twenty.

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PR-manager Diana Khalilova about depression and favorite cosmetics
PR-manager Diana Khalilova about depression and favorite cosmetics

For the category "Cosmetic Bag" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of the characters we are interested in - and we show all this to you. About care When it comes to care, I prefer to reduce everything to a “ritual” system: the sequence of actions is very important to me, as it creates a feeling of complete control over how I will feel all day.

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Popular Posts October, 2024

The hungover recipe book for days when it's hard
The hungover recipe book for days when it's hard
WONDERZINE TALKS ABOUT INTERESTING, useful, beautiful, strange or smart things you want to buy immediately. 1191 rub. asos.com Approaching the weekend, and with them rampant parties until the morning and a potential hangover. If hungover soups are not enough for you and the body requires not only the first, but the second and the third, the recipe book "101 Hangover Recipes" will come to the rescue.
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RBC editor-in-chief Nadezhda Weiner about favorite cosmetics
RBC editor-in-chief Nadezhda Weiner about favorite cosmetics
FOR THE FACE "FACE" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of characters that are interesting to us - and we show all this to you. About care I practically do not use caring cosmetics. I have the necessary minimum not to stink, not to itch and to keep my face from the skull: fluid for the face, hand cream, toothpaste and gel for intimate hygiene.
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Autumn shoes: 7 current brands for inspiration
Autumn shoes: 7 current brands for inspiration
September is already very close - which means it's time to explore the issue of shoes for the fall. We found seven brands that make concise models for all occasions - from mules and shoes in the offseason to ankle boots, which can be safely worn before the onset of winter cold. It is worth taking a note at least for inspiration.
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What to wear with a cardigan: 8 images for any weather
What to wear with a cardigan: 8 images for any weather
WE ARE UNSTANTLY FOLLOWING new trends, but many of them cause a lot of questions: how fit is it to live? How and with what to wear crop tops, hairy sneakers, plush jackets and transparent everything? We have already told how the cardigan has regained its former glory and made people line up in a queue of many months.
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How the fear of the unknown helps us to live
How the fear of the unknown helps us to live
Text: Artyom Luchko. What is worse: the fall of the ruble or the clown from a horror movie? In both cases, we are afraid, but the nature of these fears is very different. Fear is the answer to various stimuli. The feeling of emptiness in the stomach, accelerated pulse and breathing, sweaty palms, nervousness - our brain responds every time according to the programmed script.
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