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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of literary critic Irina Prokhorova

IN THE RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. In the new issue, Irina Prokhorova, a literary critic and editor-in-chief of the New Literary Review publishing house, tells us what she eats, how much she sleeps and how she lives to feel good.

FOR ME GOOD CONDITION IS A SUSTAINABLE NEED. With my workload and rhythm of life ailments are excluded. I head the publishing house, run a charity foundation, lead a TV show, organize conferences, read a huge number of manuscripts, travel around the world with lectures, attend book fairs - for this you need health, health and health again.

I AM SURROUNDED BY YOUNG EMPLOYEES, which I should inspire creative work. Who will go to the exploits, seeing in front of him a limp aunt? Feeling good and looking good is the key to success in everything.

EVERY MORNING I AM LIKE ALL MORTAL with a groan I get out of bed, forcing myself to go to the bathroom. But, as soon as I wash my face, brush my hair and twirl before the mirror, immediately cheerfulness appears. I call it "start the engine."

I TRY TO MANY, at least an hour and a half a day. It turns out the combination of the pleasant and the useful: on the one hand, I support the form without much strain, on the other - walking helps to think. All the best ideas come to my mind while walking around the city.

When traveling, I try to sleep at least seven hours a day., as far as possible, to walk again and not to lean too much on exotic food (although it is sometimes difficult to overcome the temptation). Often I do not have time to eat properly, and in order not to die of hunger, I try to stop the worm: eat an apple, yogurt, a small croissant with coffee. This is quite enough to live up to dinner.

IN YOUTH, HOW MANY AND MANY, I WANTED TO TAKE PLACE ON THE "IDEAL FIGURE", why it was necessary to lose weight much. I started to run, and after a couple of months the result was obvious. But every night when I went to bed, I recalled that tomorrow I would have to dawn along a dark street, puffing and gasping. From these thoughts, I fell into such a depression that in the end I decided to sacrifice thinness for the sake of composure. Since then, even the sight of a treadmill makes me terrified.

COURSE FOR HEALTHY LIFE STYLE TO TAKE THE EASY. The process can be experienced painfully (I, for example, a big sweetener), but at some point the habits "enter the blood". You stop noticing that you adhere to restrictions: this lifestyle becomes natural. The reward is a wonderful state of health and a surge of energy.

I WITH GREAT IMPRESSION RELATEDall sorts of strict diets, especially fasting. In my opinion, this is a meaningless self-torture, a voluntary deprivation of the joy of life.

IN YOUNG YEARS, I CHILDREN RESPONDED TO THE DISABILITIES, which, alas, always accompany us in life. When the amount of stress began to grow exponentially, I had a choice: either to be crushed under the weight of obligations, or to find a way to remove these stresses.

I HAVE TAKEN ON THE ARMAMENT THE FAMOUS FORMULA Scarlett O'Hara: "I'll think about it tomorrow." I had to work out the will to learn how to psychologically remove oneself from problems without poisoning rest and entertainment with fruitless agony. After a rest, it is easier to prioritize and proceed to the phased resolution of issues.

It’s not easy for young people to believe it., but in my 60 years I feel much more confident and happier than at 30, when I stood in indecision at the crossroads of life, feeling acute dissatisfaction, sadness and confusion.

ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF LIFE EXPERIENCE - reconciliation with the fact that the world is not perfect, like our body, but this is no reason not to love it (and you can easily emphasize your own beauty with the help of stylish clothes). Over time, I learned to truly appreciate non-standard, individual.

Watch the video: 0001 Culture: What is culture? (December 2024).

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