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Models about how their work actually works.

The fashion industry is surrounded by a halo of romance: for a long time it was customary to talk about modeling in the key "a scout found me when I went to the movies with my friends, and my life immediately changed." However, like any job, modeling is fraught with many difficulties, discrimination, and sometimes even violence. Often this area is much less rosy than it is customary to say in gloss. Here are some personal stories showing the world of models from different angles.

How I became a model in 70 years

When the melody began to play, the emancipation came, the bziki evaporated, and what held me with a steel hand over the gills, lower back and limbs, was gone. I suddenly found freedom - and not like that when you are crazy and do what you want, but when you can express yourself

I'm a model and struggled with anorexia

I tried to return to modeling, but everyone told me that for this, you definitely need to lose weight. Naturally, I reacted very strongly to this. One booker promised to send me to Asia if I lose weight in a week

How I worked as a model in China

The requirements for posing in Asia are not at all the same as in Europe. Often, you need a lot and unnatural smile and make "cute gestures." In China, the casting girl successfully passes the girl who can change funny postures faster and longer than anyone else.

How i live with vitiligo

Now the era has come, in which models with an unusual appearance that differ from the canon by natural data have become more in demand than commercial types. In general, vitiligo was the last straw, which outweighed the balance of the scales in the direction of the decision to start a modeling career.

How models cope with cyberbulling

I have never seen adequate criticism under the photos of models. Rather, it was an insult, the girls are always either “too fat for models”, or “painfully thin”, or, finally, just “terrible”

I work as a model - and I have a lot of questions for this business.

A huge part of the work is not paid - for example, all the shooting for the press (editorials). Very rarely, some particularly rich publications may pay for the editorial, but this is more likely an exception. Since about the 1990s, an unspoken rule has been established: if you work for the press, you are not paid anything.

What models fall on the cover gloss

I understand that I could take more projects if it were not Asian. I don’t say it directly, but I just understand, I see how girls work, what type of work they work with more. In Russia, even in the advertising of some cottage cheese, where the family sits at the table and eats this cottage cheese, the whole family should be Russian

Models about living with albinism

I know a couple of girls who bleach their eyelashes, eyebrows and hair, trying to achieve absolute whiteness: they try to look like albinos, they like it and seem stylish

COVER: Paloma wool

Watch the video: Top 5 Amateur Space Launches that Actually Worked! (January 2025).

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