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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Azilia Banks, Grimes and Ilon Musk found themselves in the middle of a strange scandal.

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPEN THINGS, from which I want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is brewing: what are you doing?

You probably remember the sudden tweets of Ilona Mask about plans to privatize Tesla. Last week, Azilia Banks, who allegedly witnessed these events, decided to tell her version of what happened. According to Banks, Grimes invited her to Mask House in Los Angeles to work on joint tracks. Further events Banks compared with the horror "Get Out". “I’ve been waiting all weekend for Grimes to babysit her boyfriend, who was too stupid to understand that you shouldn’t go on Twitter under acid,” the singer wrote to Storiz. Later Musk denied rumors that he was under the influence of drugs.

In subsequent storiz Banks accused Grimes that she talks too much about the business of Mask, calling her "a drug addict in dirty sneakers." The mask also got - Banks roughly walked over his appearance, accent and family. After some time, Grimes and Musk split each other on Twitter and instagram, and then Mask completely deleted his instagram account because he was “tired of him”.

She kept going. pic.twitter.com/YF8PX56dm3

- Jeremy C. Owens (@ jowens510) August 13, 2018

The story did not end there: after a while, Azilia Banks published a few storiz, in which she said that her phone was now at Mask, and demanded to give it back. Banks added that she spent two weeks in Los Angeles and already wants to return home to New York and "no longer wants to have any relation to this." In addition, the singer said that lawyer Musk contacted her, demanding to leave her phone with him, "if she does not want to go to jail."

It is noteworthy that at the same time, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched an investigation into Tesla over financial frauds - this information seemed to be confirmed by Grimes in the following screenshots. True, whether Azilia Banks has anything to do with this investigation is unclear. According to Grimes, Musk "became interested in marijuana because of her" and "jokingly rounded the price per share to $ 420." The entrepreneur denied rumors that he was under the influence of drugs at the time, because "marijuana is not conducive to productivity."

Cover: Azealia Banks / Facebook

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