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How to meet girls in different countries

We increasingly hear sighs of frustration from not being able to meet the right person. Study is long over, but work and daily routine absorb so much that time and the opportunity to meet even with old friends does not remain. Wonderzine asked girls from different countries about where they decided to get acquainted, what phrases guys use and how things are with the opportunity to meet the love of all life.


In Poland, we don’t have such a problem - there are a million places where young and not so many people can cross each other and get to know each other (perhaps more than once to like each other). The most popular places are obvious: clubs, pubs, bars, mostly with a dance floor as a guarantee of demonstration of sexy movements. Honestly, I myself do not understand this phenomenon at all, because I hate dancing, but most of my friends assure that they will not meet a guy who does not know how to dance. It is quite possible story - to meet in a fitness club, dance courses or even jogging in the park. Many couples met each other through mutual friends or at home parties. The Internet also helps a lot - I met my fiancé at a gathering of players in a browser game, and this is not such a rare situation as it may seem. As it turned out, we saw several couples there who met in the same way.

There is no expected or obvious product. In fact, if you use certain specific phrases, you will look very strange. For example, all sorts of expressions in the spirit of "Hello, my angel, when did you fall from heaven?" considered incredibly dumb. The guys who talk like that are associated with dresiarze, and this is definitely not a plus. Or with guys from Erasmus from Southern Europe who just want to get into your pants and forget the next morning. I would say that the best way to start dating a Polish girl is to be as relaxed and natural as possible. But do not overdo it: I really got mad when one guy finished each sentence addressed to me with the word piekna (which means beautiful). Probably, he wanted me to feel special, but I achieved the exact opposite - it seemed to me that I was definitely not the only one he called that.


In Finland, with dating problem. Most often, all intersect or in bars (sometimes in clubs and at home parties), or on the Internet. I think that the matter is in the particular shyness of the Finnish guys (and girls) who are too shy to talk to a person without alcohol or anonymity, which the Internet provides. They just roll up: either they invite you to dance, or they talk to a girl when she tries to order something at the bar. In any case, the girls are “caught” when they are far away from their friends, as it is usually more difficult to meet someone from a large group. And even in the bars, those you met will be friends of friends. On the Internet, all 50 to 50 - from expectations to reality. Despite the stereotypes about Finland, the girls do not get to know us first, but the guys need to be especially brave and take the right first step. This makes them vulnerable and open to failure. Girls don't like to feel vulnerable, so they are never the first to fit. Well, we have to admit that the guys do not say special nonsense when they are trying to meet. The first step and so difficult to do, so they say little, in the case and look as natural as possible.

Now I meet with the Swede and even moved to Sweden to be with him. It says nothing about the Finnish guys, by the way, it just happened. We met in an online game, since both gamers, it all started with flirting, continued with long dialogues in "lichka" and, finally, meeting in real life nine months later. Swedish culture is much more positive than ours, people are more social and, for example, it’s normal for them to ask how things are. In Finland, we do not do that.


Relationships with the Spaniards can begin anywhere. Usually these are places where you both often visit: at the university, at parties with friends, at language courses or at a fitness club. In general, any place that guarantees a substantially long joint pastime can melt the ice. Of course, there are obvious places such as night clubs. Depending on the place, the guys can roll up with random greetings, usually incredibly stupid - we ignore them, laugh between ourselves and continue to party. And more advanced versions of rolled-up phrases like "it seems to me, I saw you somewhere," and then how lucky. If it doesn't seem to us that this obvious “I want to get into your pants”, then we will most certainly continue the conversation, although some girls continue it, even if they anticipate one-night stand, and there is no explanation for this. Such acquaintances can end with anything and anything: long relationships, weddings, or just friendship. Young people simply lower the conversation easier: it all starts with an invitation to dance, and then it all depends on the girl. But the best way to start at least half of a serious relationship is to take part in a general party in someone's home or in a bar where everyone knows each other, and thanks to the combination of music, a relaxed drunken atmosphere and the fact that anyone can it goes without saying. Most of the couples I knew met. Of the worst, or rather, incredibly sad tackles, I personally remember one where the guy begged me to sleep with him. That is, literally: "Well pohaaaaluysta." True, it was very funny.


In Romania, any place is used as a good excuse for someone to drive, although with the most successful everything is obvious - these are clubs, bars, parks. But in the first place are the beaches and clubs in the street during the summer. Guys still use the usual greeting words like, "You're too good to be alone tonight. Can I get you a drink?" In any case, the current generation does not really need any phrases for dating, but you need to be able to take the girl out of the stage of ignoring everything that happens around. Most of the guys play innocence, and if the girl is rapidly otshivaet them, they use manipulative techniques. For example, they say that they are just trying to be friendly and nothing else, making the girl feel guilty for "judging by clothes." The most stupid tackle that I heard from a guy was the phrase: "Hi. Did you know that 95% of girls masturbate in the shower?" And the most embarrassing tackle was from a guy who approached me to find out about my girlfriend. Finding out that she is in a relationship, he approached me again and tried to "withdraw." It was pretty stupid and I highly recommend to the guys who read it, to avoid such actions in all possible ways.


In Tunisia, things are not as everywhere as our society is full of contradictions. For example, girls should be friendly and open, but not too much, otherwise they will seem vulgar or even stupid. This can be a real challenge. In my experience, there are no particular difficulties in communicating and dating, flirting is also common, but it is almost impossible to keep such relationships. The university environment serves as a good source of dating, but everyone learns for the sake of knowledge, and not for the sake of dating. Tunisian men and women are not shy, so we also have all the signs of the times. But the fact is that we are much smaller than Russia, so it’s much easier to start a relationship here.


In the US, there is a tendency to go somewhere else to study after receiving a basic 4-year higher education, in such places people, as a rule, get to know each other. They also meet at parties of mutual friends, but bars and clubs do not work exactly as a guarantee of long meaningful relationships. The culture of one-night stand has broken down by region. For example, now I live in the south in a rather tusov town, so one-night dating is quite normal. In the northern part of the States, where I lived for a while, this is unacceptable. There, for new acquaintances, they use more things like Meetup for social events or even dating sites. The frequency of mating there was, of course, much lower.

By the time people here reach the age of thirty, the obsession with finding a partner becomes unbearable. When a suitable option appears on the horizon, the guys lose their heads. But tackers vary by region. I had friends who were silent for years about some kind of interest and admitted it only after I got married. At the same time, in New York, people can literally say the following: "I like you. Let me take you somewhere." This is the beauty of New York - people there are well able to show that you are interesting to them. They will call on a date without any obligations, just for mutual pleasure, and then how it goes. When I lived in Harlem, the men constantly called me on the street, and it was beautiful. One of my favorite stories happened when I walked to the post office. I was walking down the street, and the guy looked out of his car and asked: "How are you, beautiful?" I smiled at him and shook her hair, after which he said, “Oh, that smile. That's exactly what I wanted to see. WHERE IS THE RING ON YOUR FINGER, BABY? WHERE IS THE RING?”

 The photo: coverphoto via Shutterstock

Watch the video: Top 10 BEST Countries to Meet Beautiful Women (December 2024).

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