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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Masha Frolova, Buyer Fred Perry and KixBox

The heroines of the first Wonderzine publication do different things - they edit magazines and websites, open stores, invent clothes, arrange meals, sing in a group, do art and manage international companies. One thing unites them - everything that they do causes the processes around to accelerate. They are energetic, professional, self-sufficient and attract the same to them. No wonder almost everyone asked the question "What girls inspire you?" They answer that they do not know how to equal people who they personally do not know. But on their own equal other girls who will become our heroines very soon.

How has the fashion industry changed since you started working in it?

In Moscow, it is growing rapidly - from the moment when I worked ten years ago as a seller in the UK Style, everything changed dramatically. It has become much more new stores, and, best of all, existing retail projects also do not stand still and develop.

What are you doing now?

Initially, KixBox was launched as a street project, but we always had dresses, shoes and accessories. Now in KixBox we develop several areas - for example, in the Tsvetnoy Central Market, in addition to street brands, we also present modern progressive brands from Europe and America, for example, Libertine-Libertine, Objects Without Meaning and Sessun.

What girls inspire you?

Of Muscovites, I really like Natasha Ganelina: inspire her personality, taste and character. From foreigners - Judith Clark from London. She is a very good curator with an unusual look at fashion and art. I think that girls should be honest with themselves, and they should have a goal.

What are the best new projects?

The Champfest magazines Monique and Joanna Kavezki, who in a couple of years developed from a simple street fan-zin into a full-fledged magazine, presented in the best retailers of the world, and Tourist Sanny-Helena Berger - I love him for his style and desire to change and unite the world.

What do you miss in Moscow?

Quality Affordable Cafes and Indian Fast Food.


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