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Editor'S Choice - 2024

The collection of "ice" furniture Zaha Hadid

EVERY DAY IN THE WORLD APPEAR beautiful or impossibly beautiful things, and some of them can be looked on endlessly. Or at least a couple of minutes - to unload the brain, escape from the routine and let your eyes rest.

Zaha Hadid flashes on the news more often than any other modern architect: her energy and staff, working for the glory of her name, can only be envied. At the same time, Hadid, having already become a superstar in the world of architecture, worked for a long time exclusively “on paper” - it’s no secret that its buildings are primarily conceptual. Moreover, it is considered that even its realized projects do not particularly take into account the interests of people and are not always suitable for living. Even if it is an office center on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya street (yes, now there is a Zakha in Moscow).

The collection of furniture "Liquid Ice", invented by Hadid in 2012, can only confirm this opinion. Chairs stuck together in small islands, whether tables, or stools, "drowned chairs" and vases with sharp edges do not look too friendly and, moreover, are not intended for mass production, sale and further exploitation - even in the most highly artistic houses in the world. All this is nothing more than concepts, beautiful and seemingly useless. This, however, is not quite true - two chairs from the collection last summer were put up for auction at the Masterpiece London fair, and all the proceeds from their sale went to the fund to help children affected by violence. The same summer, the collection was replenished with a new object - a long coffee table, like all previous items in the collection, created from acrylic and plexiglass.

Photo: Martin Slivka, Matthew Farrand, Jacopo Spilimbergo / Zaha Hadid Architects

Watch the video: Funko Pop Mega Epic $700 Haul Vaulted Comic Con Exclusives Collection Of Funko Pops (December 2024).

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