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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Yoga on the snow in the pictures from Instagram

Let the snow in Moscow still not lay down, most of our country has long been in snowdrifts, and this fact is not very motivating to play sports on the street. As the adepts of the snowga — yogis in the snow, are proving to be completely in vain. "Snow" a couple of years ago came up with Anne Anderson, a certified instructor in yoga and mountain skiing: she developed a one and a half hour workout for athletes at the Mohawk Mountain ski resort in Connecticut. The exercises helped the skiers to warm up before skiing. The story of the appearance of the "snow" did not prevent the yogis from adapting the technique to the urban conditions: the dog’s pose on the snow is now equally often taken by the residents of Brooklyn in their backyards, and the visitors of Krasnaya Polyana on the mountain slopes. We have collected the most beautiful examples of "snow" on Instagram and are planning how to be inspired by them, which we also want.

Watch the video: Instagram Controls My Son's First Date Cute (December 2024).

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