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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Courtney Love seems to have found the missing Boeing

Singer Courtney Love said that she had found signs of a missing Malaysian Boeing with 239 passengers on board on a satellite image from the Internet. Kurt Cobain’s widow told Facebook about her discovery and attached a screenshot of the map: “I’m not an expert, but on closer examination it looks like a plane and an oil trail from it. By the way, this place is about a mile from Pulau Perak, where a plane was spotted. Although, of course, what can I know about all this? "

The post of the singer in the social network has collected almost nine thousand likes, and about the same number of people scattered him at home. Some commentators expressed unshakable confidence that the singer really found the plane, others admired Courtney’s touching loyalty to old-school graphic editor MS Paint, others, naturally, struck at conspiracy theories and began to say that the government knows exactly where the missing plane is.

Recall that the passenger Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines, en route from Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, disappeared from radar screens on the night of March 8. No distress signals were received from the aircraft. The last time you heard about Boeing was when it flew over the South China Sea, but searches in this perimeter did not lead to anything. According to one of the official versions, the airliner could have been hijacked by members of the crew, searches were already conducted in the homes of their families.

Watch the video: Has Courtney Love found missing flight MH370? (December 2024).

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