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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Healthy habits of the director of the charity fund Kati Bermant

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The heroine of the new release is Katya Bermant, director of the Charity Foundation "Children's Hearts".

My husband does sports - he loves it and never misses a workout. And most of all I love to go long distances. The beach along the Gulf of Riga to the horizon and back is my gym; so I love Nordic walking. Now it's finally getting warmer and I will walk to work - from the Red Gate to Smolenka.

Most in training I like it when they run out. In “Sect”, where I study, I am the oldest in any group - all are twenty years younger than me and therefore much more active.

Perfect day - This is when I have time in the morning to pour boiling water on oatmeal, grate a green apple and put a spoonful of honey. But this is a long story, and few ideal days happen.

There are moments when you want to quit, and I quit, and then I start again.

Some kind of complexes at the age of sixteen, I probably had - and who did not have them? One day I was surprised to hear from a friend, who had a delightfully huge nose, that she was terribly embarrassed by her magnificent chest. So our demons are always with us. But, perhaps, right now I am quite pleased with myself.

By fifty years you need to be moderate in everything: in food, in work, in white wine. For about forty-five years, my relationship with food was rosy and beautiful. Despite the three children, whom I breastfed for a year, I did not gain weight. Now the situation began to deteriorate. I love cooking and I do it very well - but the time came when I realized that it was time to stop making pies every weekend and switch to vegetables. Alcohol, I still love. Strong.

I would like to start every morning with charging and ending the day with a long intense walk. Does not exceed. But now I learned to use a lot of water and drink my six glasses with pleasure.

I didn’t sleep just lately. Nervous work also affects here - after all, I am responsible for the life of a huge number of people, the foundation pays for heart surgery for children from birth to 18 years. And, apparently, hormonal changes in me. But when I do not sleep at night, I get up, put on a fluffy robe, warm slippers and work comfortably for six or seven hours. Here and the children have to get up at school.

My children are 24, 17 and 8 years old, and they are all sports: Mishka has a rocking chair, Mani has yoga, Nussy has a capoeira. I think you can not worry about their healthy lifestyle.

I am fifty years old - and it seems that about thirty. I'm getting used to my age. I work on myself, fifty is the time for that.

To relax and unload the psyche, I read the subway and try to walk as much as possible. Serials do not look - it is better to go to bed early.

Most likely, that way of life which I lead can be called healthy. I have a family for more than thirty years: a husband and three children. I have never smoked, and even a thought like this never entered my head. I love to walk and swim for long distances. A good part of my life I save children. I think that for mental health it is very useful - although sometimes nerves naughty.


Watch the video: HOW TO IMPLEMENT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Setting Habits & Wellness Goals (January 2025).

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