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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Wonderzine editor Margarita Virova about friendship with herself and favorite cosmetics

Under the heading "Cosmetic" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About beauty and appearance

In an ideal world, I would worry about this last of all - it seems like there are dozens of things more interesting than styling. But the reality is that my relationship with my own face and body evolved too rapidly and over the years, and communication with my own reflection still remains an important part of my life. In adolescence, I suffered from eating disorders, I cried for a long time, looking at myself in the mirror, and the days when I don’t leave the house, if I don’t like the way I look, still happen - although much less often than before. . On the other hand, now I’m not trying to seem like someone who I’m not, I spend most of my life without makeup and find a lot of pleasure in just being myself.

People who excite and inspire me seem beautiful to me - always, without exception, because content is inseparable from form. Beauty, firstly, is a subjective concept, and secondly - a complex one. I have not taken part in objectifying discussions of someone else’s appearance for a long time, but I’m happy to give a friend or girlfriend a couple of compliments - this is a good way to share warmth with others.

I accepted this rule only in the outgoing year, but it works: you just should not try to evaluate yourself with other people's eyes and seek approval from the outside, a person is good the way he likes himself. Accepting yourself is a trusting friendship with the person you represent yourself, and it is easier to grow and develop without constant self-accusations.

About lifestyle

I hope I just have the worst lifestyle in the history of mankind. I persuade myself to regularly practice yoga and eat in compliance with a sustainable schedule, but more often I just don’t have time to do it - well, okay. At the same time, everything that I do happens without violence against myself. By the end of each day, I burn out a little, so I need a few hours to recover: I meditate, take a bath, read and go to bed without feeling that I am burning and everything is burning.

People help me to feel good - the people with whom I see every day in the editorial office, my wonderful friends and new acquaintances. Communication helps to get rid of fears and stupid thoughts, and good ideas are often born in long conversations.

About care

I consider self-care not a duty, but another opportunity to pay attention to myself - and to raise my spirits. In general, my skin did not suffer even when I was out of money and was an ace of very low-cost care, and in the conditions of beauty and editorial work, she began to look very good. Of course, I have rosacea and bruises under my eyes (I deserve them), there are rare inflammations, but now they don’t bother me. Suitable care takes no more than ten minutes: every day I wash my face with the most gentle means, moisturize my skin, apply Sanskrin, in the evening - the same cleansing and sometimes a night mask. I come back to this scheme in the intervals between product testing, which does not always end successfully.

I have a lot of masks, I respect my right to lie on the sofa with something pleasant on my face on Saturday, but usually I arrange such procedures at the last moment before going somewhere other than work. With a good new habit of daily care, I made vitamin C products: first, they started to be produced in rational packages and formats, and second, they really work — for example, they help get rid of the effects of very bad sleep.

About make-up

After the flow of cosmetics rushed into my life, I naturally began to paint less and only when I really wanted to. Sometimes in the evenings I learn new techniques and textures to write about, I’m looking for nice ideas from familiar makeup artists: Masha Vorslav, Fariza Rodriguez, Irene Shimshishvili, Mila Bulatova and Lena Obydennova - they all regard their work as an area of ​​endless experiments, which is very relaxing and inspiring. My easiest make-up makeup is dark or red lipstick and aigloss. I love color arrows and sparkling shadows no less, but I no longer have enough of my face, I hope to improve my skills and start painting my friends and girlfriends with or without.

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