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Post motivation: 10 ways to get back to life after the holidays

What happens when champagne is drunk, tangerines eaten, and all the rain (not without the help of a cat) scattered on the floor? At this moment the holidays are over. And although scientists continue to assert that with all the unconditional benefits of vacations, too much rest is more harmful than useful, after ten relaxed days I don’t really want to believe this.

On the other hand, it is highly probable that in two weeks you managed to get tired of meeting with relatives, heavy food, alcohol and music with bells - now annoying, but not inspiring. Not to mention the other triggers, which are much more than it seems. To make the transition from holidays to work, school and any other weekdays into a nightmare, we advise you to familiarize yourself with this instruction.

Text: Marina Levicheva

How to stop overeating

Despite the feeling of endless feasting, on holidays a person gains an average of about a kilogram. The problem is that this weight does not go away immediately, but it lasts for about half a year and with each New Year the risks associated with the state of the cardiovascular system, cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes, are getting higher. In addition, overeating, characteristic of the New Year holidays, provokes drowsiness and digestive disorders. Simply put, return to the path of moderation is important as soon as possible.

Do not refuse meals, as this will only increase the feeling of hunger, but rely on protein - chicken breast, legumes, eggs and yoghurt - which contributes to saturation. In addition, try to eat more slowly to give the signal molecules of the intestine the necessary and sufficient 20 minutes to send information to the brain that everything is in order. Of the unusual ways, you can try to reduce the size of the plate or choose red dishes, and more - watch TV less, unless this is Kevin McCalister's adventures, because advertising unhealthy foods and drinks most likely increases cravings for them.

And most importantly - do not blame yourself for overeating. If you need a reason for this, then here it is: people who feel guilty about their eating behavior, eat more and gain more weight than those who forgive themselves minute moments of weakness.

How to cope with a hangover

New studies show that introverts — and shy extroverts, if they are — have a more complicated hangover, because the next morning they feel more anxious. But if we consider that the hangover can last more than one day, it is important for all of us to know how to cope with it.

First of all - stop to perceive the glass as a mandatory component of the evening. Reducing the amount, if time permits, is gradual, but with two main points in mind. First: alcoholic beverages with a low degree provoke to drink more. Second: in high and narrow glasses, focusing primarily on the height of the liquid, we pour 20% less.

Since dehydration is responsible for the main symptoms of a hangover, it is important to drink plenty of water. Or at least "Sprite", which, perhaps, enhances the activity of enzymes that break down alcohol toxin acetaldehyde.

How to get back to work

Even if after the New Year holidays you prudently took a few days of vacation, you still have to return to work. How to do it without suffering and stress? Studies claim that any break in work increases productivity. And it can be a motivational factor.

Before the first working day, also remember to sleep well, because sleep, among other bonuses, helps us feel happy. And the day before going to work, be sure to arrange a long walk, as the contemplation of nature has a positive effect on the brain. Dozens of letters will probably accumulate in the work mail, but don’t waste on them the first hours of working time: routine actions can be boring, and this is not what you need right now.

How to start playing sports again

It may seem that the best way to return to the sport after the New Year holidays is not to leave the sport. But it only seems so. Experts do not get tired to say that even the best of us need breaks, first, to give the muscles time for a full recovery, and second, not to face stressful overload (because sport is also stress).

Even supporters of intense exercise is useful to start a fitness year with something lighter, such as yoga or Pilates, to slowly but surely go into operation. And do not forget about stretching, which in order to prevent injuries after the break will be very useful. If you, as we advised, kept you active during the holidays with the help of dances and skiing from slides, you will not even notice how you will return to your usual routine.

How to restore sleep mode

Not so important, you are an “owl” or a “lark” - on New Year's holidays the regime gets lost in “birds” of all kinds. Circadian rhythms are the biological mechanism that controls the sleep-wake cycles, and with them the time when hormones are released, the muscles relax, the memories are consolidated, and the immune system becomes stronger. Modern rhythm of life generally contributed to the fact that our circadian rhythms suffered, but the night without sleep and the next sleep before dinner on vacation only aggravate the situation.

To help yourself, increase the amount of light during the day: walk more, open the curtains, and if the window is gray, turn on more light bulbs. Accordingly, in the evening it should be less. And yes, the "blue light" emitted by the screens of gadgets, is also considered. The data obtained by Harvard scientists, who proved that food rhythms are closely related to circadian rhythms, can restart the system, if necessary, can also be used. It's about having breakfast, lunch and dinner at your usual time - no matter when you went to bed and how much you got up.

A little more about food: it makes sense to give up caffeine for a few days so that nothing prevents the body from entering its working pace. And by the way, a glass of milk for the night, it seems, really works.

How to stop spending money

Difficulties with money after the holidays - the story is quite typical. Want some good news? Scientists have proven that emotionally stable people tend to spend more during holidays or vacations, so that at least something can be enjoyed here. But, without ceasing to spend, you risk to get into debt - and this is not a reason for joy at all. Because, for example, they expose the body to massive stress, increasing the risks of anxiety and even depression.

One of the theories on the topic says that money acts like a drug on us, so it can be difficult to stop spending it if you have already begun. Here are three strategies that work: the first is to keep a budget (at least in a notebook and a pencil) to visualize expenses; the second is to withdraw money from the card before you buy something in order to feel the separation from them; and the most original - spend more time with economical friends, because the brain activity of people, as established, in this sense is synchronized, if they are close.

How not to be sad that everything is over

If you always thought that sadness after a party, holiday or celebration is a hangover, then you thought it was not quite right. Because there is what experts call "post-party depression." Of course, in reality this is no depression, but melancholy, which may seem strange, because you have no objective reasons for something like that.

Scientists say that it is a matter of holiday-related pleasures — from food and alcohol to emotions and impressions — that are released by neurotransmitters and activate receptors, causing a person to feel good. But we all have a basic condition called homeostasis, which tends to balance the components of the system. So the maximum is surely followed by a minimum. More precisely, the norm, which will be perceived at least in contrast.

As for the fight with this sensation, then for all it will be something of their own. What helps you feel happier: meditation with good music, cooking classes, or a subscription to monthly charitable contributions. But there are some universal tips: think about the things that you especially liked during the holidays, and do this more often for no reason. And plan at least one event per week that you will look forward to, so that the feeling of the holiday never leaves you. And also get enough sleep (not again, but again), because sleep can solve many problems related to mood.

How to put the skin in order

It's no secret that fatty, salty and spicy foods, as well as alcohol and violation of the regime can affect the condition of the skin. In addition to acne, the fascination with alcoholic beverages and products that are not the most useful from the point of view of the nutritional profile is fraught with edemas, redness, dry skin and fine wrinkles provoked by dehydration. Fortunately, all these are temporary phenomena - and as soon as you return to a balanced diet and habitual mode, the skin will also return to its normal state.

To speed up the process, add more fruits and vegetables (carrots, apricots, citrus fruits, spinach, tomatoes, berries) that are rich in antioxidants. As for water - get ready to be surprised - evidence that drinking plenty of water improves skin condition is not enough. On the other hand, you can add a contrast shower to the menu, which still cleans the skin, but does not quickly remove natural oils from it, which is especially useful in winter.

How to forget that awkward case at a party

Even if you do not suffer from "alcoholic amnesia," the fascination with intoxicating drinks on holidays can lead to the fact that you will be embarrassed for your actions. What is also called beer fear is not necessarily associated with a real cause for embarrassment. More often than others, insufficient quality night sleep, which disrupts the normal functioning of the brain and creates fears where there should not be, is to blame for shame.

But what if something shameful (in your opinion) really happened? The psychotherapist Amy Maureen in such situations advises to ask yourself three questions: “Does the problem have a solution? Do I just think about it or try to find a way out? What do I get when I think about it?" Answers to them will help you to understand whether you are obsessed with something too much. Well, if you understand that you really broke firewood, try moving from thoughts to actions. For example, apologize to a person with whom you were too harsh, or buy a vase to a new acquaintance in whose apartment you accidentally broke it.

How to fulfill New Year's promises

You can fix them with a notebook, you can share them with close people, or you can - and this is the most common option - internally give them to yourself. As mandatory components of the holiday, New Year's promises are a very useful practice. Because the setting of life goals, as studies show, helps us to feel better, while the rejection of unattainable goals in favor of real ones makes us healthier and happier.

Another issue is that the promises to the chiming clock do not necessarily fulfill. Because in fact it is a story from a series written on a piece of paper, burned and drunk with champagne ("to come true") desires. A kind of ritual. Or just a fun game. Which, nevertheless, is able to help with understanding what you generally want from life. At least for the next year - and there it will be visible.

Photo: sommai - stock.adobe.com, Magryt - stock.adobe.com, koosen - stock.adobe.com


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