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Bookmarks: Black Girl In Om website about wellness and psychology

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We are talking about websites and online services, both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing, which should be added to favorites or added to the RSS feed.


“Breathe in courage, breathe out fear”, - practical advice from instagrama online platform Black Girl In Om, a blog about physicality, psychological health, fitness and personal care. It was invented by five socially active girls who are trying to expand the virtual space for black women. Today, more attention is being paid to human rights and society is gradually becoming more open, but it still lacks a variety of voices, themes and views. Despite a clear agenda, Black Girl in Om is designed for everyone. From here you can not only learn more about the challenges and lives of black women, but also find answers to pressing questions.

The blog writes about everything related to the health of the body and spirit - from yoga and sexual emancipation to travel and relationships in society. There is a lot of talk on complex topics: about panic attacks, eating disorders, the intersection of racism and misguine, and how to learn to love yourself and others again after experiencing emotional trauma. In addition, the platform has its own podcast. Each new issue is an informal conversation with an interesting heroine: among them are wellness bloggers and yoga instructors, chefs and startups. Interviews, columns and articles are not inferior to colorful photos: it is always nice to see so many strong women at once.

The photo: Black girl in om

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