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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Crisp and Buttery Popcorn

Dasha Nifontova

ONCE A WEEK WONDERZINE talks about the things to which we are attracted against all the arguments of reason and to love which, it seems, is not supposed to be. In the third issue - popcorn, the faithful companion of TV shows, romcoms and blockbusters.

Crispy salty lumps (this word is also in some way my guilty pleasure) popcorn can both save and completely ruin your evening. Homeland popcorn - America, and if now you are affirmatively nodded and thought about cinemas, then you have to wait. Grains of corn torn from heating were found in America during excavations; according to rough estimates, the oldest popcorn is almost 4,000 years old. Of course, the Indians did not manage to eat popcorn under the new series The Fall, so popcorn was used for other entertainments: it was possible to determine the future by the shape of the revealed grain.

Popcorn Cooked generally without the use of oil, often used for packaging and transportation, replacing them with foam. After use, these grains are given to feed for birds or compost is made of it.

When you eat popcorn at an evening session at the Pacific Rim, he is your loyal friend and ally, but a neighbor with a crunchy bucket on the screening of the latest Lars von Trier film turns into a monster. In order not to find yourself in a situation where you will play the role of a vile neighbor, we recommend that you eat only popcorn at home. Benefit any supermarket has a choice of popcorn with additives and without, and the amount of butter that will be watered popcorn, you can choose for yourself. Then the unity with the new series The Newsroom will be sealed not only with tears of joy, but also with a salty taste in the mouth. The main thing - warn your boyfriend to capture the cola.

Photo, cover photo via Shutterstock

Watch the video: 5 Popcorn Life Hacks (December 2024).

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