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Checklist: 8 habits that only seem healthy

alexander savina

We are increasingly talking about myths.surrounding our health - for example, if you have a cold, you should fight only with individual symptoms, and not to take immunomodulators, that you should not drink vitamins just like that, or that the habit of not wearing a hat has nothing to do with meningitis. Nevertheless, myths do not become less - and some of them are still successfully disguised as health concerns. We talk about a few habits that only look useful, but in fact it’s time to abandon them.


You use daily pads

We have already said that a small amount of creamy-white or clear discharge on any day of the cycle is not a cause for concern, but a sign of the normal functioning of the body. Many still prefer to deal with them with the help of daily pads - but, no matter how much the manufacturers insist on it, there is more harm than good from this habit. Daily pads are designed to protect the linen, but the body can harm - they are too intensively absorb the secret of glands, which are located on the eve of the vagina, leaving the vulva without the necessary protection. In addition, they can trigger the development of thrush and bacterial vaginosis - and this clearly outweighs the inconvenience of lightly soiled laundry.


You douche

Douching, that is, washing the vagina with different solutions, seems to be a practice from the distant past - and yet, many still resort to it "for prevention" or "for hygiene." The truth is that this procedure does not bring any benefit, but the risks associated with it are quite tangible: it affects the vaginal microflora, and an existing infection can "drive" even higher. Moreover, there is evidence of a link between douching and pregnancy complications and even the risk of cervical cancer. Remember that the vagina does not need excessive hygienic effort (it is a self-cleaning system) - to keep it clean, just plain water is enough, without a washcloth and most often without soap, and you only need to wash your genitals outside.


You drink two liters of water a day.

This is probably the most common recommendation regarding health: we all heard that you should drink two liters of water a day, not counting food and other beverages. But in practice, everything is not so clear. First of all, there simply cannot be universal general recommendations here: everything depends on the lifestyle, activity level and weather - in the heat you want to drink more and more often than in the cold. Secondly, our body itself decides quite well how much liquid we need - and if it is less than necessary, it signals us with this thirst. Thirdly, there are no official recommendations that would confirm that we need more water than we already use - and, of course, we receive the liquid not only from pure water, but also from other liquids, products and soups.

Recall that water with lemon does not create any miracles: there is no serious evidence that it helps digestion, but a large amount of lemon can damage tooth enamel, so it is better to limit yourself to a slice of lemon in a glass.


You use a washcloth and aggressive soap every day.

Many people like to wash "to the squeak" and for this they use the whole arsenal of tools - from harsh plastic sponges to "serious" soap. The truth is that you do not need aggressive means - and certainly not needed every day. The bacteria that we wash off with a washcloth every day, reproduce well in a humid environment: if you leave a washcloth in the bathroom, it is likely that you only harm yourself. If you can’t imagine life without it at all, you can try to give up a washcloth from a vegetable sponge of loofah (bacteria grow easier in it than in plastic), dry it and clean it more thoroughly - but it's better to just give it up completely.

The same applies to antibacterial soap: besides the fact that it is not more effective than the usual soap, antibiotic-resistant bacteria can also survive after it (and this is already dangerous for humanity - after all, soap is used en masse). The connection of antibiotic resistance and antibacterial soap is not clearly proven, but if you refuse it, you will not lose anything. In addition, it is worth making a choice in favor of softer cleansers - aggressive (especially in combination with hot water) flush the protective lipid layer off the skin, due to which it becomes dehydrated and irritated.


You sneeze in the palm

It would seem that the difficult thing is to sneeze - everyone has this skill. We know that sneezing is necessary so as not to infect others - and yet most of us do it wrong. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention primarily recommends the use of disposable tissue. If you don’t have them at hand, you don’t need to sneeze into your palm: this way you are more likely to smash the bacteria further. Instead, you need to sneeze into the inner bend of the elbow.


You hang over a public toilet

Public toilets in many people cause genuine horror, and it is not surprising - the quality of cleaning in them very often leaves much to be desired. Of course, public restrooms are a realm of various bacteria, but colliding with them does not mean that you will get sick: we have already said that if the toilet looks relatively clean, you can safely sit on it, the main thing is to wash your hands thoroughly after. But the habit of hanging over the toilet, so that in no case it does not touch it, on the contrary, is not useful.

Researchers agree that the optimal position for defecation is sitting, and the knees should be raised above the hips (for this you can use a small stand - however, difficulties may arise with this in a public toilet). The Eagle's Pose has a bad effect on the pelvic floor muscles, and the relaxation that a posture with raised legs contributes to may reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

You drink alcohol for the heart

Few studies cause the same excitement as information about the benefits of wine. It is not surprising: who does not like the prospect of correcting health, just drinking a glass of red at dinner? This theory even has prerequisites: polyphenols contained in red grape varieties can theoretically favorably influence the state of the heart.

The hitch is that this theory has not yet received an unequivocal confirmation: studies that people who moderately use red wine (and alcohol in general) are less likely to experience heart disease, while only indicate a correlation, but not a cause investigative connection. In addition, many studies on the benefits of polyphenols were conducted on mice - and their conclusions cannot be unequivocally extrapolated to humans. In any case, remember that alcohol is not a medicine, it should be used sparingly and beware of addictions.


You avoid carbohydrates or fat

Very many of those who want to eat "right" think about this: what is more dangerous for our body - fats or carbohydrates? The truth is that in none of these options is there any truth. For example, carbohydrates are an important source of energy, and the rejection of them can lead to a large load on the kidneys and liver, as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. You should not be afraid of fats either: in moderate amounts it is an important part of a balanced diet, it is an important source of energy and they are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. The key is in a balanced diet, not in fear of specific substances.

Photo: Ozon, H & M Home, Kate - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: HOW TO IMPLEMENT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Setting Habits & Wellness Goals (December 2024).

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