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Welcome to hell: What does the book "Woman. A textbook for men" teach

Publishing AST released the third, revised version of the popular book by Oleg Novoselov on gender and relationships "Woman. A textbook for men". Mimicking for scientific research, the “Textbook” offers a number of original ideas about human evolution and promises to open the eyes of the readers to the true mechanism of gender relations. The idea is not new: populist anti-scientific literature that speculates on the most dense stereotypes is complete in any language, but even by the standards of pop psychology, the author’s convictions look outdated, aggressive and dangerous.

Novoselov divides all people into "low-ranking", "medium-ranking" and "high-ranking" men, men are represented by breadwinners and altruists, and women are selfish exploiters incapable of rational thinking. The book is replete with factual and logical inaccuracies, which the EQUALITY public team drew attention to in a detailed analysis, and the author's reasoning is supported by quotations from Aesop, Marina Tsvetaeva and Adolf Hitler. The author himself warns in the preface that "it is strongly not recommended to discuss what has been read in this book with women. Most of them are not very interested in men understanding them too well. Therefore, you will most likely come across aggression, negative and insults."

A campaign was launched on the Internet calling on the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Culture to withdraw the book from sale; Oleg Novoselov himself claims that his "persecution" was initiated by feminists and "Western foundations that finance various forces working to destroy the Russian population." We have selected a number of talking quotes from the book, including those noted by Bookmate users, and we also provide the opinions of independent experts and readers of the Textbook published by them online.

The book describes the nature of women, the characteristics of their behavior, the nature of female logic, female mystery, the principles of relationships with a man, children and society, described and explained in familiar and logical language familiar to men. After reading a book by a man, a woman will no longer be incomprehensible to him. The book is intended for a wide range of men, from the president to the teenager during the period of hypersexuality, who want to understand women and not to fail in their personal and business life, to effectively manage their wife, team or state. The book is also interesting for women who want to better understand themselves, men and interdisciplinary relationships. Welcome to the real world!

Abstract publishing AST

A woman cannot take adequate government decisions, since when choosing between the interests of the state and her own comfort she always chooses her own comfort. The self-centeredness of the female does not allow her when making decisions to be guided either by the interests of society, or even by the interests of her own children, if they contradict her interests. Due to the nature of the thinking of a highly primitive being, it is also incapable of making promising decisions. A woman thinks predominantly as a category of her current momentary desires. Universal suffrage is a deadly mistake that needs to be fixed first.

Nothing decorates a woman like a gag in her mouth.

A woman monopolizes, cleans up the lightest functions in a pair - domestic. After all, it is much easier to wash the laundry by pressing a couple of buttons on the washing machine (and even manually) than to earn money to maintain the family or repair the car.

For future buyers: do not let us read it to your women, do not discuss what is written there, with your family, first of all with your mother, all that juice that Oleg is trying to convey to us will be evaporated by their matriarchal values. For an intelligent man, this book is consolidating his current knowledge, laying out on the shelves of the latest skeptical tunes about women and relationships with them; for the "lost" is a fresh breath of oxygen and rethinking of the female entity.

The book in scientific form, but in simple language explains what is more correct - the primacy of the strong sex or the weak. What is beautiful women and how to find the key to the heart of a woman. Moreover, after reading men, they will change their attitude towards women by 180 degrees, and women will learn how to make a real hero out of their husband. The book answers the question over which philosophers "Formula of Love" have fought for centuries.

Personally, I began to treat women more condescendingly and more resistant to their manipulations. Softness, weakness, modesty - this is why WE (men) love these lovely creatures - women. Must-have not just the season, this book is a hit of our generation!

First of all, do not take too seriously what a woman says. This is a very gross mistake. Her speech consists mainly of manipulative and provocative structures and elements. Therefore, to respond to her speech means to be conducted on the manipulation. The only exceptions are purely informational phrases: "dinner is ready," "my period began," "I'm pregnant," and so on. A smart man does not respond to a woman’s speech. But he carefully monitors the hidden motives of the woman, what exactly the woman is trying to achieve with manipulations.

A woman is a professional emo-ci-onal-no-psychologic-ck-iy-rapist.

For maximum survival and reproduction, of course, women needed completely different qualities than men for hunting and defense. Namely: maximum adaptability to changes in life and the ability to avoid danger in every way. That is, first and foremost care about yourself, self-centeredness, cunning, resourcefulness, conservatism, cowardice.

It’s worth starting with the fact that the author repeatedly tries to emphasize the scientific nature of his book. On the cover he has “applied ethology” [1, p. 1], and at the very beginning of the book he literally writes about the “scientific content” of his work and claims that it contains “exhaustive” descriptions of the relationship between the sexes ”in terms of biology and theory of evolution "[1, p. 2]. In the preface [1, p. 3], Novoselov emphasizes not only the scientific nature, but also the exceptional importance of his book, declaring that there is no sensible literature on the relationship between the sexes, simultaneously putting mocking labels on specialists. He writes that the theories of psychologists are "confused and inconclusive", and the answers to many questions should be sought in biology. However, regardless of the validity of this phrase, the author himself has no higher education, neither a biologist, nor a psychologist, and, as we will show later, makes gross mistakes from the position of both these sciences.

The book also lacks even a bibliographic list. Novoselov practically does not refer to the works of other scientists, statistical reports and other sources, but from time to time he quotes other amateurs, like A. Protopopov, who for some reason calls him an ethologist. However, Protopopov has no scientific publications, nothing is known about his profile education. In addition, the author writes at the end of the preface that his book contains information “carefully concealed by the female community”. This could be taken as a joke, but later in the book (especially in the second part) Novoselov seriously tries to develop his conspiracy theories.

There is also a variety of women who provide sex without payment to many men at once. Most often this is due to any disruptions of either instinctive programs or physiology. Therefore, this topic is beyond the scope of this book. In addition to the market reaction, the majority of people work on such women a natural pronounced negative reaction as sick or inadequate. These women are usually called some of the profanity expletives. "

Being attractive to men is one of the biological functions of a woman.

The so-called "liberation" of women is nothing more than an opportunity for women to enter the free market, predatory and uncontrollable to hunt for the resources of men.

The book of Oleg Novoselov could be long criticized for the inconsistency of the subtitle “applied human ethology”. Ethology, as well as any other science, is not here. The point is not that the author's ideas about human evolution are derived, at best, from examining the illustrations in the school textbook. Just in this book, a woman divorced from a child is called a "divorced from a trailer or low-ranking ***". According to the author, a woman who refused to have sex with a husband can and should be raped. And if a husband beats a woman, then this, as we are told from the pages of the book, is a natural reaction to psychological violence from a woman. Even maniacs who raped and killed women, Novoselov only victims of the "matriarchal system of discrimination." We are explicitly stated that any woman will necessarily try to carry out an “inversion of domination” - she will try to psychologically suppress a man and subjugate him. And to counter this, all means will fit, including violence. Oleg Novoselov regards deviation from orders that allow women to beat their wives with impunity as detrimental to civilization. Which, in his opinion, created exclusively by men.

The concept of "primativity", which the author operates on, and on the basis of which a significant part of the book is built, was invented by another pseudo-specialist, Anatoly Protopopov. Professional (with specialized education and a non-zero list of scientific papers) is not known to ethologists, psychologists, or anthropologists. And in the slightest degree serious literature is also almost never encountered - the exception is a couple of attempts by enthusiasts to create a test that measures this very "primativity". At the same time, the “expert” himself writes on his website not about the scientific past, nor about the experience of psychotherapy, teaching, or at least social work. According to Novoselov, the experience came to him with trade in instrumentation and products from his apiary after the end of the Physics Department. Information about the author's family life also deserves attention: a specialist in gender relations first divorced, then, we quote literally, "sorted out various females."

The strategic success of the female is to occupy the position of a permanent friend of the leader, who receives from him feeding and protection on an exclusive basis. Therefore, a woman is as happy as possible only when she lives with her beloved miner in the territory he controls and has children from him.

The dominant woman is sexually unattractive for a man.

Denial of sex should be considered exactly what it is. Heavy insult, non-recognition of the place of a man in the family hierarchy. If sex is positioned as communication, then the denial of sex is equivalent to a denial of communication - a direct conflict. Either is the inadequacy of the female, incorrectly determining the rank of the male. The leader has unlimited rights to sex - this is the foundation of the foundations of inter-sex relations.

Honestly, I find it difficult to stay within the bounds of correctness, talking about this book. Since it mixes the author’s complete lack of professionalism with eerie sexism and misogyny. Novoselov appeals to biology, while not being a biologist, does not provide a single reference to research, makes mistakes in elementary things, but refers to personal experience and the experience of friends. In addition to this, the book harms uncritical readers because it is written in simple, understandable language and looks foldable at first glance. It is impossible to build an adequate trust relationship based on the advice of this "manual", but it can harm the relationship.

The love of a man is the sacrifice of oneself, and the love of a woman is reconnaissance by force and the entry into the confidence of a man in order to prepare for the inversion of domination.

There is no such blatantly slavish position of men, as in Russia, anywhere else.

Be primarily engaged in your career, business, real estate, health, sports and education. And the women themselves will run, where to go. And then you will be more likely to find among them a kind, intelligent, disinterested and able to love. That is exactly the one that deserves a strong and intelligent man. And you give her the exclusive right to occupy a privileged place next to the leader on his territory - next to you.

Watch the video: WELCOME TO HELL ON EARTH 2019 (December 2024).

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