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"Just a feature": How to restore a relationship with your skin

Skin problems are common. Acne, various forms of allergy, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis - the list is very large. But despite this, those who encounter them often feel stigma and acquire complexes. The heroines of this material are three girls who have learned to live with dry skin, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, accept themselves as they are and share their experiences with the Emolium line of products. Polina Nagorny25 years old, make-up artistAtopic dermatitis in remission My problems with skin started with infant diathesis. Then the skin rash was associated with food allergies. “Harmful” foods can actually be triggers to exacerbate the disease, but a handful of chocolates or an orange are safe for me without a major factor — stress. My dermatitis blossomed in full color to three years old (then it was diagnosed as neurodermatitis). At about the same time, a rift began in the family, and after some time my parents divorced and left. Now I am 25, and I know for sure that all nervous shocks, big and small, work like a time bomb for my dermatitis. It sounds dramatic, but it gives me time to prepare. And in general, the more I learn about atopy and apply this knowledge to combat it, the longer the remission lasts. In my life there was a period of long-term stable remission. From about 13 to 20 years, I forgot about the rash and terrible red crusts. Then there was a great first love, of course, with a tragic finale, an operation on the jaw, a rock band. The disease returned with a vengeance. But I was lucky to meet a doctor who finally voiced my real diagnosis: atopic dermatitis. For the last five years I have learned not to fight, but to live. I studied my diagnosis along and across, found out what is possible and what is impossible. The basis of care is a gentle cleansing and moisturizing of the skin of the whole body immediately after a shower (for example, emollients are suitable, which include safe emollients). Scrubs, essential oils, strong fragrances, SLS - I would advise you to avoid them all, but especially atopic. I was lucky, I never liked sunbathing, or tanning beds, or saunas (all this is contraindicated in atopy and sensitive skin). Sudden changes in temperature can also hurt. It is better to stick to your beauty mode and experiment less; introduce new means gradually, following the reaction. Any homework is best done in rubber gloves. And still the main thing - work on yourself. The first is how to take care of your well-being. Physical activity, psychotherapy, sleep, detox from social networks and walks in the fresh air. Once I got rid of toxic relationships, after which the stress went away and a rash disappeared within a week. Masha Poltanova, 22, performance manager Dry skin The first symptom I remember was periodic peeling of the skin on the palms and soles of the feet. In childhood, my mother and I considered this to be avitaminosis, and we did not go to doctors. It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t bother, it looks scary, but then nobody thought about it. In 20 years after the nervous defense of a diploma with a face, hell began, I began to actively engage in skin and go to dermatologists. From the third time an adequate doctor was found: she listened to the whole history of the disease since childhood, discussed a way of life, made the necessary tests. With her, the symptoms of that horror went away quickly. The "provocateur" of my symptoms is stress. During the period of their enhancement, the scalp, for example, becomes very dry and flaky. I lived without shock for half a year - everything was fine with my skin. In early March, I failed an important mission for myself - after a couple of weeks, my skin condition worsened, peeling and reddening returned. If we talk about care, then you mostly need soft products without fragrances. For me, this is, for example, a time-tested emulsion for dry scalp, which the trichologist advised me: I apply it as needed. It is important to use a gentle powder, for example, for children, for clothes and bed linen. From the usual reddening occurs in me. After accepting my condition, life apparently did not change at all, but internally I came to some conclusions for myself. I think that what can be changed, you need to calmly change, but what cannot be changed cannot be released. Now I recite these moments with a psychotherapist, I learn how to relive stress. I do not dwell on the manifestations of dry skin, I do not consider this a disadvantage or a disease. For me, it's just a feature of the body. I doubt that most people around you notice anything. For all my life I have not heard a single evil comment on this topic. Maybe I was lucky and I was surrounded by people who have more important things to do than follow my flaky ears. Alena is 18 years old, blogger Psoriasis Psoriasis is a specific disease, it can be easily confused with seborrhea. So this confusion did not pass me by, the doctors did not immediately make a diagnosis. I got sick at the age of seven, after my parents divorced. Psoriasis initially looked like a mild allergy, but literally a month later, this “allergy” began to grow all over my body. After six months, I completely had plaques on my legs, arms and stomach. I lay in many hospitals in Belarus with Russia, and in Jordan with Israel. The only place where they helped me is a clinic in Tel Aviv. Now psoriasis sometimes appears only on the head. In all other parts of the body, it is already impossible to guess that once there was a disease. Remission on these places has been going on for about two years. I completely excluded fast food and fried food from my diet, although I could not live without fried omelettes or pancakes earlier. Despite the diversity of cosmetics care, to find something suitable when you have psoriasis, is still quite difficult. I choose products based on safe components. For example, emollients are moisturizers that restore the skin barrier. When I was 10-12 years old, when I realized that I had a disease that others do not have, I started to become very complex. When I went to the courses, they asked me: "Is this who your cookie crumbled on your head?" Another test was the first week of treatment, when it was necessary to walk for a long time with a smeared head. From a certain moment I could not even go out. Now I understand that I am the same as everyone, just with a chronic disease that makes me stand out from the crowd. Pity yourself, you will not achieve anything good. I am even glad at some moments that the disease has taught me awareness: thanks to her, I have a sleep and nutrition regime. Thanks to the support of my loved ones, I have ceased to be complex. New acquaintances always wonder how I can live so happily with this disease. Previously, I did not think that I could help people who were in the same situation. This thought occurred to me a couple of months ago. I started a page on Instagram, where I tell everything about psoriasis and advise those who have encountered it. Thanks to the support of loved ones, I have ceased to be complex. New acquaintances always wonder how I can live so happily with this disease. Previously, I did not think that I could help people who were in the same situation. This thought occurred to me a couple of months ago. I started a page on Instagram, where I tell everything about psoriasis and advise those who have encountered it. Emolium is a line of dermatological products for the skin with chronic problems - dryness, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. irritation and itching give it softness and elasticity. Emobents are not only creams and emulsions, but also hygiene products - gels, shampoos, water softeners. Choose the right care and share the memo “How to help your skin” with 5 simple and rules. Download memo125009, Russia, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, d. 22, Tel: +7 495 721 14 00 Representation of SANOFI JSC [France] SARU.EMO.18.04.0828, SARU.EMO.18.04.0828c COSMETICS. NOT A MEDICINAL The material is prepared with the support of

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