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Checklist: 9 signs that it’s time for you to quit

alexander savina

At the end of the week, we tend not to think about work., and about the coming rest. Nevertheless, the weekend is the best time to understand whether what you are doing is suitable for you, whether you are satisfied with your position and position. If it seems to you that the weekend is the only period when you feel happy, it may be time to ask yourself an unpleasant question. We talk about the signs that indicate that you should think about changing jobs.


You are not happy at work

Sometimes we all count the minutes to the end of the working day — this is normal, until it becomes a permanent practice. According to the Crunch Accounting survey, 46% of the polled Britons consider the habit of looking at their watches with anticipation at the end of the working day as one of the clear signs that it’s time to change jobs. Of course, weekdays are rarely like a daily holiday - but if you cannot remember the last time you experienced joy or satisfaction from what you are doing, this is a reason to think. If you understand that you spend more and more time on social networks instead of working, if you are bored, if you don’t already know what used to attract you in your current position, or it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling and your work responsibilities are brought to automaticity - time to figure out what's going on. It will probably be enough to talk to your supervisor about expanding your responsibilities, enhancing or additional training. If this does not work, perhaps it is time for more drastic measures.


Your skills do not suit you at work.

Sometimes we are forced to accept a position that does not allow us to reveal all our skills and abilities - for example, to be able to grow and develop in a promising company and eventually get a dream job. But if you feel that the situation has dragged out and you clearly do not use your full potential, you should think about the changes.

Coach Katie Kaprino warns of another danger associated with your work skills: “Often people don’t understand that the skills you have and the skills and abilities you like to use every day are not the same thing, - she says. “What we do well with is not necessarily what we like to do. If your work requires you to do something that is difficult for you or does not bring you pleasure, you will feel unhappy and devastated every day. "


On Sunday you are horrified at work.

In English there is the phrase "Sunday night blues" - a sad mood that covers on Sunday evening when you realize that tomorrow you have to go back to work or to school. This feeling is familiar to everyone: no matter how beautiful and beloved your work, going back to it after a two-week vacation is hard - simply because it is always better to rest than to work. If from time to time you feel that you do not want to go to the office, for example, because a difficult week awaits you - no big deal. But if panic and horror encompass you on Sunday at the very thought of work, it may be worth spending a day off to update your resume. Burnout specialist Ben Fanning thinks that if it seems to you that the weekend is the only time when you are finally released from heavy duty, this can be a sign of burnout.


You do not agree with the boss or colleagues

Probably the most obvious point of the list, which, however, is not always paid due attention. We all know that it is easier to work in a company with pleasant people, but we do not think that the environment can influence the results of our work. Of course, there are different situations: if someone from colleagues is unpleasant for you, but you do not have common projects, you can always minimize communication. But if you understand that every day you cannot concentrate on tasks because the boss constantly screams at you, you have tried everything, but staying with him is still unbearable, it makes sense to look for new vacancies.


Your achievements do not appreciate

Unfortunately, this happens quite often: you work on the result for a long time, but it is perceived as something that goes without saying. It’s great if the company has a transparent employee assessment system, thanks to which you can understand what the management thinks about you - but this is not always the case. Perhaps your company simply does not have a clear and well-established feedback system, although in fact the manager understands how much you invest in the work. But if from time to time it seems to you that your efforts are not appreciated, consider whether you need it at all.


You have lost motivation

Most likely, you yourself understand that you have lost motivation: if you spend more and more time not on work, but on conversations with colleagues and social networks, if you need to literally force yourself to do work affairs, and when you do it, you still what the result will be - you do exactly as much as you need so that you will not be accused of being idle. Many are willing to put up with this state of affairs for the sake of stable work and salary, but at work we spend eight hours a day - it’s also great to enjoy the process.


You do not feel that you are developing

Here you need to make a reservation: not all careers are important, someone fairly stable work with clearly defined duties and conditions - especially if this is your favorite job. All the others usually consider the current position as an opportunity to learn something new, to hone their skills and move on with time. If you feel that you have brought all the workflows to automatism, do not learn anything new and do the same thing day after day, you should talk to the boss - he may not fully understand what is happening to you and therefore not offer new tasks. But if you are sure that nothing else is foreseen in your work and you have reached the maximum, it's time to think about new options.


Your values ​​do not coincide with the values ​​of the company.

Situations where an employee and a company simply do not match each other are quite common: for example, someone who is used to working in a small company will be difficult in a large company, where duties are strictly regulated and need to get used to bureaucracy. The company culture may not be suitable for you: if it is customary to sit in the office on weekends, and you are used to spending them with your family, there is nothing strange in this. In the same way, leadership values ​​and beliefs may not be right for you: “You feel that you disagree on how a company should function from a moral point of view; you notice cultural differences, you have different work ethic, and so on,” says Lynn. Taylor, coach and corporate culture specialist. If you are uncomfortable working in a certain environment - this is a good reason to disperse.


Work interferes with your health or your relationship with your family.

If you, like many, believe that work is only a part of life, it is important to notice in time that it takes away too much energy. If you fail to maintain a balance between work and personal life, if due to urgent tasks or reworking, you will postpone your meeting with parents or friends again, if you have to give up sports and other important hobbies to devote yourself work - think about whether it is worth it. The same question is worth asking if the stressful atmosphere of the office undermines your health, both physical and psychological. About the dangers of a stressful atmosphere in the office even warns WHO.

Photo: design56 - stock.adobe.com, tanyaeroko - stock.adobe.com, Dmitri Stalnuhhin - stock.adobe.com, Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: 9 Ways Your Instincts Are Telling You That You Should Leave Your Partner. Rules Of Relationship (January 2025).

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