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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Why do we need Muslim hipsters

Elina Chebbocha

At first there was a video. Young Muslim fashionable women in crazy heels smiled into the camera to the accompaniment of Jay Z "somewhereinamerica", rode skateboard and scooter, fence them, danced - well, they were, as they say now, cool. So mipsters declared themselves - a new growth of Muslim hipsters from the United States, who according to tradition created a Facebook community, a toggle account and a closed group on Google for communication. The Internet after this seems to have died right away, before it even recovers from Jennifer Lawrence and Miley Cyrus, the twerking.

Mipsters were stabbed for everything at once. Too beautiful Muslim women ride too beautifully. To be guided by the West with their ideals and concepts of "normality" is sinful. Why did the men shoot the video? Why was Jay Z with a vulgar song used as a soundtrack? Have you ever thought about how they wear hijab? Muslims do not believe after 9/11, and attempts to get used, using hipsters, are disgusting. They are all the same. Show legs - a shame. Being a hipster is a shame. Being a Muslim hipster is a shame. But the greatest manifestation was caused by the small manifesto of the mipsters: "Mipster is the one who seeks inspiration in the Islamic tradition of divine scriptures, in the volume of knowledge, in mystical poets, bold prophets, inspiring politicians, understood only by the dedicated imams, and also our fellows, seeking transcendental states of consciousness. A mipster is an ironic person who serves more as an eternal critic of himself and society. " If the Internet could be shot for pathos, the first mipsters would be put to the wall. There was a slight ambiguity inside the mipsters: some of the girls filmed claimed that they had no idea what the final result would be, and in the process of shooting they thought that the video would be about love and friendship.

Positive feedback came from those who could not give themselves a definition before: “Being a Muslim, who was once called Yummy (young urban Muslim), mipsters, I believe, are the self-expression of the modern generation, where everything has a hashtag. I myself do not understand this, but I support the way they push the boundaries and open the dialogue. Mashalla and your strength, sisters. "

Hipsters themselves cause an enormous amount of hatred, and it seems that they still haven’t found their definitions

Force sisters, of course, need. Hipsters themselves cause a huge amount of hatred, and they seem to haven’t yet defined them. Let us come to the conclusion that a hipster is a small, cozy dandy, a bit secular, but not aristocratic. And now we will define, who such mipster. Imagine that you went to a rally with your hipster friends. You listen to the same music, attend the same parties and more or less all have seen naked under strange circumstances. You merge in the same emotion or indignation on the main Hipov issues, but if you touch upon the topic of religion, nationality or military policy of Russia, one of those with whom you chekinized at Bolotnaya yesterday, goes to Ban. Mipster is not much different from the rest of hipsters, they just have everything goes with a slight touch of the burqa. The first open gay imam gives rise to discussions on Facebook, the comments vary from "Why do you idiots promote this shit? It's time for me to spit you out, stupid mazafakery" to "We have to worship the differences between us and condemn ourselves and not others." The question of who will collect more likes is not worth it, because hate with a twinkle is always more attractive than dull calls for good.

Midsters have all the main problems of the youth on the agenda: fashion, Syria, jokes in the spirit of “hipster was a Muslim before Islam was born” and, of course, music. For example, mipsters admire Yuna, a singer from Malaysia, who sings good hijab songs in perfect English about girlish sorrow. She is proud of her roots, and wearing a hijab is as natural for her as she is composing music. It is impossible to single out any one musical direction for mipsters, and the most appropriate definition is “musical homelessness”: at the same time mipsters can be admired by Skrillex, very remote from Islam, non-Muslim rappers, yearning for The National and other manifestations of modern pop culture.

One of the very fashionable Muslim girls, the best in Moscow according to mehendi (henna painting on the body), after watching the video, said that she could not associate herself with it in any way. That these videos can not cause sympathy towards Islam in people to whom it is not close. That girl should be stylish, not fashionable. Among young people, this opinion is not unique. Modern urban Muslims suffer from the same problems as other people involved in something, for them except that there is no doubt about what is good and what is bad. In an attempt to find themselves Muslim youth rushes into a hipsterism (to be closer to contemporaries), into fashion (to please their peers and have a platform for dating), while the older generation looks at everything with the calmness of an elder and scratches his beard. For them, there is no question “Who am I?”, They have already found all the answers in the Quran, and let the misters be: what the child would not play.

Watch the video: Mipsterz break cardinal hipster rule (January 2025).

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