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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Link of the day: Everything you need to know about bipolar disorder

Under the heading "Link of the day" We recommend materials from other publications on topics that deserve attention. Today we draw your attention to the great samizdat material “My dear, yes you are a transformer” about bipolar affective disorder, its course, treatment and place in culture.

The carriers of this diagnosis, who are familiar with the problem from the inside, wrote about life with BAR: Masha Pushkina, the host of the Bipolar Association website, and Ekaterina Novikova, author of The Noonday Demon telegram channel. The authors and editors have collected about everything that needs to be known about this disorder, which is, incidentally, not so rare: a detailed review of the manic and depressive phase, the stories of BAR owners, statistics and psychiatrist comments.

Early diagnosis - in the Russian realities is an extremely rare case. Usually, people live for years and even decades, completely unaware of what is happening with them. For the time being, it is still unimportant with enlightenment on the subject of mental disorders. Not to mention that the disorders themselves seem to most people to be something terrible and infinitely far from the life of outwardly prosperous people with family and work. But bipolar patients are often very active and ambitious people and do not arouse suspicion until the first serious attack.

Ekaterina Sigitova: “Difficulties with the diagnosis of BAR are not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The disorder is complex, it can be confused with others (for example, borderline disorder), therefore the diagnosis is made only in cases when it is obvious, and controversial, probably continue to observe. "

The bipolar world: life between mania and depression, batenka.ru

Watch the video: Everything You Need To Know About BIPOLAR DISORDER (January 2025).

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