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Editor'S Choice - 2024

How to prepare skin for makeup that will last all day

margarita virova

In an interview with leading makeup artists it's easy to see that they pay special attention to makeup preparation - some will even say that it is the most important thing in it. Today there are a host of products whose direct purpose is to make the skin as supple as possible before applying the tone. We tell you what tools and techniques will help create the best conditions for make-up, and which stages can be completely skipped.


Clean skin is more likely to get full hydration. In addition, it is clear that before contact with brushes and sponges, hypothetical pollution should be removed so as not to spread them across the face. So, tonics and lotions are especially convenient: they improve the conductivity of subsequent products, and their additional functions range from moisturizing to mild exfoliation - products with minimal acid content are good for preparing oily skin.

Means that clean too well, as well as scrubs and serious peels, it is better to postpone: the skin before makeup should not be overdried. There is not much sense in matting tonics and lotions - as a rule, they “wash out” sebum they are no better than more benign means, but they are capable of causing all the same dryness.


Good moisturizing is the key to getting rid of peeling and dryness, which many tonal means like to emphasize so much. Therefore, before make-up it makes sense to use not only your favorite cream, but also apply an express tool: if you have extra fifteen to twenty minutes, you can spend it on reclining with a tissue or other moisturizing mask.

Choose products depending on the type of skin and the desired degree of hydration - with extra effort, makeup just flows. For those whose skin is often dehydrated, a booster serum will come in handy: before make-up, a couple of drops of the product will be enough to hedge. Moisturizers suitable for a specific skin type - the most accessible and understandable option. Even they can be used optionally: for example, if you feel that you need more moisture, apply a cream with a sufficiently dense layer, as you do with Sanskrin, let it soak and erase the excess with a napkin.

Base makeup

Often, preparation of the skin for makeup is reduced to the use of primers - but this step is not always necessary. Such products are needed in order to prolong the stability of the makeup, but it is worth remembering that well-cleansed and moisturized skin will tolerate it as much as necessary. The rest of the primers are good additional features: level the relief or skin tone, add shine, remove shine. But do not be fond of matting on the entire surface of the face: they are still unlikely to live to the middle of the day, and they will not add comfort - use them in the T-zone, if there is a need.

But the "grout" for the pores, which today are produced by many brands, is fraught with danger: the silicone in their composition is too plastic and unstable and behaves badly under the tonal basis. At some point, such a tool can simply flow away along with the sebum and the sugar that is produced during the day. You can use them, but not every day, and for holders of oily skin, it is also better to additionally fix such make-up with spray or powder. Primers marked "moisturizing" themselves hardly nourish the skin, but as support for basic care will do.

Often in advertising images we are shown how starter products instantly transform the skin, making it perfectly smooth and radiant (usually from initially smooth and radiant). Of course, in real life, everything is not quite so, and often our bruises, postacne and pigmentation remain in place. But there is only one solution - not to get involved in captious viewing of your reflection. Careful color correction with the help of concealers is good for a photo or a dense evening make-up, but with daylight such things will not work: on it the relief of “camouflage” is clearly visible, and not the skin itself. And if you have acne aggravation, dermatitis or other diseases that require minimal skin contact and irritants, it is invariably recommended not to trust YouTube and your tutorials and postpone dense tones and concealers until the day when the skin subsides.

Photo: Armani, Ile de Bote (1, 2), Rive Gauche (1, 2), Kiehl's, Chanel, MAC, Pudra


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