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Editor'S Choice - 2024

The eye does not tear: Girls about vision problems

Lenses, as we know them today, appeared in the twentieth century - they were originally made of glass, then plastic replaced it, and more recently, silicone hydrogel. Now properly selected lenses are absolutely safe for the eyes, but still many are confident that the lenses can dissolve or stick to the eye.

Together with the contact lens brand, Acuvue® Wonderzine talked with three girls about their vision problems and lens experience.

Nadezhda Gritskevich

soloist of "Naadya"

I am a musician, I sing in the "Naadya" group, and I am a myopic musician. It seems to me that the vision began to deteriorate in the eighth grade. I then lived in Kogalym, a city where in winter it can be as low as -50 ° C. In such conditions it is very difficult to walk with glasses - they are very cold all the time, and they sweat in the room because of the temperature difference, and you see even worse than without. Therefore, when contact lenses appeared in our city, I was probably one of the first to use them, and since then I have not parted with them.

It was a separate skill, and all this made me very amused.

In the first optics where I went, there was such a special table that I had to train to remove and put on the lenses, and it was all so new and unusual! It was a separate skill, and all this made me very amused: small boxes, solution — a whole ritual, in general.

Without lenses, I could not even see the keys

Now lenses are an integral part of my life: I have myopia about minus five, without lenses, I would not even be able to see the keys.

I remember when I came to Moscow in 2003, the lenses were quite difficult to find, and my brother, who studied at Moscow State University, wrote me some passes so that I could go to the Moscow State University clinic and buy lenses there.

I immediately learned to put on and take them off, I had no problems. It seems to me that I just wanted so much to get rid of the need to wear glasses, that no difficulties frightened me.

Nastya Poletaeva

The Blueprint Editor

When I was still in high school, my eyesight began to fall - just then my mother began to persuade me to go to an optometrist. She also has eye problems, and she took up her problem seriously as soon as she got behind the wheel, and then she set about me.

I resisted as best I could. But when I entered the university, I realized that I really don’t see anything even from the first classroom. And by the third year, when I started giving lectures on Gothic literature (they wrote a lot of interesting things on the blackboard), I finally agreed to my mother's persuasion and went to the doctor.

At first I was given glasses, but I didn’t like them: my eyes and nose bridge quickly got tired, plus I reminded myself of a teacher from porn. Therefore, I tried to pick myself a lens.

In the optics store, I was diagnosed with a vision, given a long sheet with different parameters and sold lenses that were there only of one brand. I bought three pairs for three months, regularly went to these lenses, but all the time I suffered terribly. I never learned how to put them on correctly and looked with envy at my friends who did it in seconds. I had red eyes all the time, and if on one eye the lens got up normally, then the other had problems.

Since then, I live in a world of beautiful people and vague landscapes

I did see very well at the time, but I could not wear lenses for long. It was about a year ago, and since then I have been living in a world of vague landscapes.

Now I understand that it was necessary to come to the salon of optics and ask a specialist to pick me one-day lenses. I am not going to do an operational correction and I’d hardly make friends with the glasses, so I plan to return to the lenses in the very near future.

To be honest, I'm already rather tired of moving around by touch and sticking to the wall to see the house number or street name. And yes, I dream about the moment when again I can sit in the cinema beyond the third row.

Olga Veretinskaya

designer of own brand Titch

I am a copywriter at an advertising agency and designer who recently launched my own brand of clothing. My vision dropped sharply in the fourth grade - in the third I was still sitting on the last desk, and by the middle of the fourth I could not see anything from the first. Then the lens was allowed to wear with only 14 years old, and I had to wait. I was shy to wear glasses, then it was somehow unfashionable, and I thought that they did not suit me. In addition, my glasses did not look like an accessory, but rather as a medical device, the choice of frames was then small. I was embarrassed and put them on only during lessons, sitting at my first desk.

For me, this is some kind of magic, and I am glad that I was born not in the nineteenth century

I remember well how I — I was 14 at the time — first put on the lenses and what a revelation it was for me. When I came out of the optics in the lenses, literally a new life began for me. I saw leaves in the trees, saw my mother, who was walking towards me, and that very day I began to feel more confident, immediately and forever.

For me it was a very powerful emotional experience, and I truly believe that it changed my life. Many inconveniences are associated with poor eyesight, about which a person deprived of such a problem does not even realize.

For example, I always felt insecure in everyday life: I was afraid not to recognize my friend on the street and not say hello, I could not see my bus number while standing at the bus stop. There were also many uncomfortable situations at school: everyone is sitting on the ground and writing off a task from the board, and I have to come up and almost stick my nose to the board.

The feeling of disorientation and some of my inferiority prevented me even physically. Wearing lenses, I became more active, with pleasure I took up creative and organizational work. Interestingly, with my transition to the lenses, the sharp drop in vision also stopped - I don’t know how it happened. For me, this is some kind of magic, and I am glad that I was born not in the nineteenth century.


Material prepared with the support of

Watch the video: 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight (December 2024).

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