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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Link of the day: Investigation of the suffering of animals in dolphinariums

ONLINE "LINK OF THE DAY"We recommend materials from other publications on topics that deserve attention. Today we advise you to read the investigation of Laura Beloivan about the conditions of dolphins and whales in Russian dolphinariums, published in Novaya Gazeta. We warn you that this is a difficult reading - although, as the author of the investigation noted, she intentionally "did not allow the text to contain all the sickening bloody naturalism."

As part of her investigation, Laura Beloivan, an artist, writer, animal rights activist and head of the Seal rehabilitation center, visited places where sea mammals are kept throughout the country. This text, the first of a series of similar materials, deals with the “Kitariume”, “Anapa Dolphinariums” and other similar organizations in the south of Russia - more precisely, about their inhabitants who live and die in close pens. As Beloivan writes, "there are bad dolphinariums, and there are even worse dolphinariums."

For example, in Anapa there was a construction site, and they put an iron barrel in the middle of the construction site, and poured water into the barrel, and only the spirit of human bestiality was hovering over the water. Soon a beluga and two bottlenose dolphins were brought with documents in which it was written that they were “dolphins, males”: Benya, 8 years old, Zhenya, 9 years old. In 2012, they were all put in a barrel, called the institution "Kitarium" and began to let visitors into it. Then the "dolphins, males" died, and in their place brought the other two - watch your hands - under the same documents. They died too. The third couple (do I need to talk about the documents for all the same Benyu and Zhenya carried away by the wind) were put in a barrel in March 2016, and these were the female and the teenager; the female died after a couple of months (there is an amazing autopsy report: almost "the dolphin died because the dolphin died"), the teenager disappeared in July.

"The spirit of bestiality over water. How dolphins and whales perish for the fun of vacationers perish", novayagazeta.ru

Recently, the State Duma offered to ban contact zoos and mobile dolphinariums - however, while the bill on responsible handling of animals is agreed and reworked, it may take a long time. So far, for the life of marine animals, many of which are endangered species and illegally caught, are fighting activists.

Watch the video: DOMINION Documentary. 2018 (May 2024).

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