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"I read the plot and buried the soap in the ground": Girls about beauty experiments

It's hard to complain today on the lack of cosmetics or the inaccessibility of a variety of beauty procedures. You can endlessly try multi-step Korean skin care, multifunctional or, on the contrary, local means of directional action - and choose what suits you. Such abundance was not always. On the other hand, food was always in the fridge, and in newspapers and forums there were tips on their use for skin and hair. Experienced homemade beauty recipes told us about their experiments with onions and mayonnaise, Fairy instead of shampoo and acne plots.

Interview: Irina Kuzmicheva


I was about thirteen years old when a computer and the Internet appeared at home. Most of all I liked to sit on the woman.ru forum, where incredibly adult and intelligent women talked. From them I learned about masks from natural ingredients. There was a sea of ​​tips, I still remember one thing: while cooking borsch, apply all raw foods to the face one by one, starting with meat and onions, and ending with beets, which gives the skin freshness. I can envy the courage of forumchanok.

In the same place I read the recipe for the beauty of Sofia Rotaru. If she is so beautiful, then why shouldn't I secure the secret of eternal youth? In an interview, the singer said that instead of expensive branded products she applied mayonnaise on her face. After all, it has egg and olive oil - everything is useful. I was impressed and banged on the face of "Provence". The skin was thick and burned, tears flowed, I suffered, but I suffered. Even when washed, the skin burned with fire. There was no smell of eternal youth there, but the Russian salad is very much.

At the same age, I began to dye my hair with hydrogen peroxide from blond to blond. The hair became very dry, and there were no masks. At the forum, the advice about a mask of raw eggs was popular. After washing the head you need to rub it into the skin and not rinse. I did so, waiting for a miracle. But when I started to blow-dry my hair, white flakes flew in all directions. At first I was scared that it was my hair, but then I saw in my hands a scrambled scrambled egg. Eggs since then do not rub anywhere and use only for culinary purposes.


I really like experiments. With age, she became more cautious, and in puberty and youth she was not afraid of anything and tried various “beauty recipes”, read in magazines, heard from her friends and suggested by her mother. At twelve years old, my mother suggested that I should dye my hair with henna so that they become healthier and stop falling out. Remark: then we didn’t know that losing a hundred hairs per day is the norm, and mother said that there should be no hair on the comb at all. After henna, my hair acquired a rather nasty red tint and turned into a tow. It did not bother anyone, and we repeated the procedure several times until I protested.

When my body hair began to grow, my mother suggested making home depilation cream. We made a hellish mixture of shaving gel, hydrogen peroxide and hydroperit tablets. A minute after application, the skin began to itch and itch, but my mother said that she had to be patient. When it became impossible to endure, I washed away everything. The skin burned, but the hair remained in place. Redness was not immediately. Now I understand that, most likely, I received a burn. Another time I cooked a shugaring paste. After eleven failed attempts, the desired consistency was obtained, and I even managed to get rid of the hair. But then all the places that my inept hands with pasta touched were covered with small bruises. Now I go to the salon.

True, the cabin is also not always lucky. Once a makeup artist advised me to make hair removal over the upper lip using a regular wax strip. I cut off small pieces, warmed them, stuck and removed. Paper, but not wax. He firmly stuck to the skin and was not filmed with anything. After an hour spent in the bathroom, it seems to me that I washed it along with the skin. The next day, already in the office, I found out that the skin above the upper lip flakes and hangs in rags. Cherry on the cake - the hairs have not gone away. After that, only the laser.

At the dawn of an editorial career, I discovered the wondrous world of popular recipes from the Internet. Some decided to try. For example, I read that salt scrub is good for the scalp. It is necessary to make a gruel of it, rub into the skin, then rinse with water. What got on my hair tightly confused them, and after washing I couldn’t comb my hair for a long time. And then I bought a normal scrub. I also really wanted to quickly grow hair, so I bought red pepper oil and started making compresses for the scalp. Until a drop of money came into my eye once. These were the worst moments of my life. In this experiment, I stopped, and my hair successfully coped with the growth themselves. This is not a complete list of my failed experiments. Scrub from coffee grounds with essential oil, toothpaste against acne - all this was, but there were no consequences.


I will not say that I am an experimenter, rather I am not afraid to try new things. Even if this is new very doubtful. A few years ago, magazines were full of beauty secrets of stars. So I learned that Sarah Jessica Parker prefers horse shampoo. I'm not a fan of Parker, just at that time it sounded quite convincing. Shampoo needed a real horse, and not adapted to the person. In search, I traveled all the pet stores in my city, but there was no shampoo: it was dismantled instantly. It is unlikely that everyone in my city were caring owners of horses, but many people wanted a hair like celebrities. As a result, I brought it on request. The shampoo foamed badly, hair crept from it, the skin dried and itchy. But I firmly decided to wait for the effect. I did not wait, and the hair has noticeably thinned. After which I returned to my Shiseido Tsubaki.

After that, I was already referring to the "miracle remedies" with doubt. But last year I had an important business trip ahead and I was preparing for the flight. In order not to swell the legs, I smear them with heparin ointment. And then I remembered the magical recipe of a lady from YouTube: she colorfully told how this ointment smoothes out the wrinkles under the eyes and removes edema. What you need before the flight! Well, I smeared. After a couple of minutes, it pinched so that I had to put ice cubes. As a result, I flew on a business trip with a very swollen lower eyelids. But the wrinkles on them have become completely invisible. Since then, I put a maximum of patches under my eyes.


I have always been addicted to the idea of ​​creating a "better version of myself." In the eleventh grade, I was fond of the beauty-sphere: I read that it was necessary to use a cream and a tonic for the face, I was no longer satisfied with the Garnier cleanser, I wanted more. And he made a transformation plan. In addition to the hundreds of squats per day, proper eating and getting up at six in the morning, the list included a face massage once a week and face and hair masks.

And this is where the fun begins. I didn’t know much about the topic, and it seemed to me that the masks from natural ingredients that are in the fridge definitely work better than cosmetic jars. On irecommend.ru (this site is still on my list of guilty pleasure) I found a couple of recipes that were described as “really effective”. The basis of one of the masks for hair was burdock oil. I bought it for some ridiculous money and felt superior to those who spent on masks unlike any more. I followed the instructions, smeared my hair well with oil, almost dipped my head completely into the jar, put on a hat and walked for about ten hours. In the recipe it was stated “to leave for the night”, but I was impatient to try during the day. The sense of superiority over the wastes left me when I could not wash off the oil even from the fifth time. After I tried all the shampoos, I just had to go to sleep. The next morning instead of silky soft hair, I saw icicles sticking out in all directions. I washed my head again, and again to no avail. I had to tie a bundle and go on business. In the evening, I didn’t think of anything better than washing the Fairy’s head, as the dishwashing detergent does a good job with vegetable oil in a skillet. For the third time, it finally washed away burdock oil from my hair, making it very dry, but at least clean.

A few years later, I was again led to a life hack from the Internet and instead of a scrub I polished my lips with a toothbrush. I may have worked with a brush with particular diligence, but my lips were never so red and I had pain for a few more days. I no longer make “natural” hair masks, I’m generally afraid to put oil on my hair and spend a lot of money on good care. I do not exclude that homemade recipes are suitable for someone, but it’s not for nothing that scientists invent innovative formulas and develop cosmetic products for a long time.


Acne appeared in my eleven. For several years my mother bought me junk medicines like Zerin, and we didn’t know about any need for moisturizing. Acne became more and more, and at thirteen years old I used the advice of girlfriends, distant relatives and bloggers. Among the American beauty bloggers, DIY-recipes were popular, which can be briefly described as "from shit and twigs." In one of the kandeejohnson videos, I met a peeling recipe: take half a lemon, dip it in sugar and run it furiously down the face. Then everything seemed logical. There are acids in a lemon, and sugar grains are an additional exfoliation. The skin will be renewed, and acne from the face, I literally scraped. After such procedures, active inflammation became even more active. It's funny that I absolutely could not understand what was the matter. I cried, my hands dropped, and I concluded that nothing would help me.

At some point, my mother (with the best of intentions) concluded that once during the time I was released from the sea water, my skin condition always improved, it was necessary to make a salt solution at home. She was mixing blue bath salt with water and reminded me to wipe her face with it. Nothing bad happened, but there was no improvement in speech.

Then on the Russian-speaking beauty portals there was a boom of rubbing the face with ice in the morning. Ice, like cryotherapy, was supposed to eliminate rashes and also tone up the skin - whatever that means. I made cubes of decoction of chamomile, lemon juice, special ready-made compositions. The only effect is that after such wiping the face was very sore.

In the end, by the time I was fifteen, I began to read more adequate sources, from which I learned about civilized acids (and not a piece of lemon), retinoids, and the need for moisture. None of this has eliminated acne completely. I am twenty-three, and I still have severe exacerbations. But the situation as a whole has become incomparably better.


As a teenager, I collected clippings with various tips from the newspapers Zdorove and Grandma's Recipes. Once I came across an interesting acne remedy, and I followed the advice. She was washed with new soap in the bath, and then, reading the plot, rewritten from a newspaper on a piece of paper, she seriously buried the soap in the ground. Then it seemed that all means are good. Of course, there was no effect, but it’s funny to remember. Then I went to a dermatologist, he prescribed salicylic alcoholic acid to me. Toiled for a couple of years, suffered dryness. Later I learned about the dangers of alcohol for the skin and switched to standard cosmetic lotions, and more recently to organic.

A year in 2001, my little sister was curled a few times with hair curlers on her hair soaked with beer: there was no hairspray. So she performed at concerts. Curls held up well, but the child smelled strongly of beer.

At sixteen, I heard from relatives about the benefits of an onion hair mask and conducted an experiment. I rubbed the onion gruel onto the hair roots, covered my head, and after half an hour washed off the mask. There was no effect other than an unbearable stink. For three days I went with the train of this fragrance and endured it, thinking that it should be so. Then she could not stand it and washed her hair. The experiment is no longer repeated. But she dug up burdock roots from her grandmother in the village, collected nettles and made decoctions all summer to rinse hair. The effect is also not noticed. Now I have switched to masks from castor, coconut, burdock oils, sometimes clay. I like the hair to fall out less. And it turned out that I have low hemoglobin. I began to take iron preparations, and my head immediately became covered with fluff of new hair. It was a shock.


YouTube is a wealth of information. I got the idea to wipe my face with lemon juice four years ago on the same pale-skinned channel as I, Glam & Gore. She said: “Guys, I also have acne, I have been doing“ tap-tap-tap ”for the night on inflammations with a disc with lemon juice since the age of fourteen, and my skin is okay.” I rubbed my face every day in the evening, sometimes twice a day, that is, in the morning before applying makeup. Of course, the effect was! So, as dried inflammations of lemon juice, nothing dried them. But it was logical that after such overdrying I peeled off like a snake, throwing off the skin. And this happened about a day later. I can’t say that right after that I replaced the lemon juice with something from my current routine, because a couple of years passed between giving up lemon juice and present friendship with acids. But the experience is funny, albeit a trash. And yes, I do not advise anyone to try the concentrated culinary lemon juice as a tonic.

PHOTO: whatafoto - stock.adobe.com, Krafla - stock.adobe.com, gray - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: 5 Second Rule with Sofia Vergara -- Extended! (December 2024).

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