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Editor'S Choice - 2024

1 year Wonderzine: The best materials about health and appearance

Exactly one year ago, on June 3, we launched Wonderzine, the youngest project of Look At Media publishing house. So, next to publications for conscious citizens, representatives of creative industries, brave guys, businessmen and startups, a magazine appeared for conscious, creative, brave and enterprising girls. All this time we have been groping for human language, which can be spoken to readers about everything in the world - including the serious and sad, funny and shameful, clever and foolish. We hope that more often we succeeded than not. Today, filled with a sense of our own importance, we decided to remind ourselves and you of the materials that went into the bowels of the site, but which we would not like to forget.

Molecular gastronomy: Physics and chemistry in your kitchen

Molecular gastronomy did not appear yesterday (and not even the day before yesterday), but many still consider it a perversion, available only in selected restaurants and for insane money. In fact, "molecular", it is also "culinary physics" - just a scientific approach to the preparation of the usual products and dishes. We asked Anton Utkin to explain his basic principles - an amateur cook with experience and the happy owner of all the volumes of "Modernist Cuisine", who had been trained by Isaac Correa in Montalto and sometimes prepared for friends and acquaintances.

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How to make hairstyles heroes of "Game of Thrones"

We can not tear myself away from the fantasy epic "Game of Thrones" based on the books of George R. R. Martin - about the world where there are dragons, white walkers, lyutovolki, brave dwarfs and sexy virgins. In addition to all this, the series fell in love with our parade of strong heroines - women of unique beauty, self-esteem and willpower. Kevin Alexander, the chief stylist for the hair on the court, managed not to come into conflict with the appearance of the characters described in the books and came up with dozens of hairstyles with braids, plaits and strange rollers on the crown.

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Big question: What keeps us from losing weight

It all starts in early spring with "funny" demotivators with Robert Downey Jr. The warmer, the more statuses in the tape about how someone almost pulled out from the contemplation of women's legs, whose harmony is inversely proportional to the length of the chosen skirt. Then some of your girlfriends with the 34th European size of clothes will surely post a "wildly hilarious" video with a plump pole dance dancer. And in the closed women's community, a person who weighs ten kilograms less than you will be noted about pinpoint liposuction.

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Make me beautiful: How to retouch photos

Recently, we talked about how things are with the concept of beauty in modern society. The logical continuation of this topic is the question of the place of retouching in a photo. The illusiveness of what is happening in the photo industry is obvious to its employees, but not to the majority of consumers of glossy (and not only) magazines. We asked the Bespoke Pixel bureau retouchers to designate what one should know and keep in mind to everyone who opens a fashion magazine or website.

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Fast food: 7 culinary life hacking

A video walks on Facebook, in which neat guys clean garlic and pomegranate for a few seconds (we believe that their popularity is due not only to the gastronomic component). We decided to find out whether it is really possible to tap all the seeds from the pomegranate with a spoon and clean the garlic head with large bowls, and at the same time we demonstrated a couple more culinary life hacks.

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5 neo-gothic makeup options

“Maleficent”, a Gothic Disney tale about an evil sorceress, where Angelina Jolie wears black feathers, horns and expressive cheekbones, goes into the rental. Many believe that the decadent and gloomy image is suitable either for the screen or for depressed adolescents, but we decided to dispel this misconception. Of course, we do not recommend walking along the street in a black mantle with lenses in the color of a chartreuse, but we have invented and removed five examples of actual neo-gothic makeup.

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Anastasia Lander about favorite cosmetics

For "Available" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of girls of interest to us - and show all this to you. Due to the abundance of successful releases, eyes run up, but we consider exemplary, with Anastasia Lander.

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Why is maturity a new black

Against this background, Nars and Marc Jacobs Beauty look even clearer: they chose Jessica Lang and Charlotte Rampling as their 60-year-olds. It is precisely decorative cosmetics that are always or almost always advertised on young and fresh ones: it is technically difficult to demonstrate shades or lipstick on mature faces of a company, and it is technically difficult for a consumer who is accustomed to “soapy” skin and eyelashes to eyebrows. The unanimous Nars and MJB breaks the pattern, and the fact that you can look beautiful at any age, is perceived as an innovation - although this should not even be questioned.

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Why not to get involved in cosmetics shamefully

Although now they are more than tolerant of 30-year-olds managing quadrocopters chopping into the console and dissecting the scooter around the city, cosmetics are often viewed as an element of the game that is not necessary for life (not only for girls, but mostly for them), and imperfection correction, but as a sign of infantilism, levity, levity, or bad taste. It is clear that the stereotypes like these are a million, they always are and will be - as will those who violently or not really break them.

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Mom's lipstick: Girls about their first cosmetics

We recalled the childhood TV series (one, two) and realized that we miss so many things, including our first cosmetics. We asked 10 girls to tell about their pearlescent varnishes, Pupa sets, creams "Ballet" and "Tik-Tac" and other strange and not very things that were then used.

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How do social networks help to accept themselves

Instagram, without putting much effort, put an annoying gloss attempt to show the “real” body and “live” people into the belt (plus-size models, Dove campaigns and all this). And it's not even about retouching - it is explicable and organic, just such magazines are not about real bodies at all. But - and then thanks to the instagrams of the same Rihanna or Carla Deras - the more you see real bodies with all their beauty and flaws, the less utilitarian becomes the attitude to yourself, and then to others (or vice versa).

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Moore Sobolev on the horror of aging

The theme of age - or rather, aging - is one of the most difficult. The cult of naturalness has taught us that the active struggle with age is wrong. Packaging and advertising campaigns of anti-aging products are not inferior in the delivery of decorative cosmetics, and expensive jars are successfully sold, but no one is in a hurry to admit to their purchase. Journalist and blogger Fierce and Cute Moore Sobolev explained why this is a stalemate and why one should not be ashamed of one’s wrinkles (and pricks that clean them).

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Asian Extreme: Blown Japanese Makeup Guide

Many, when it comes to Japanese fashion and make-up, imagine a geisha or some other crazy image. This view is not too far from the truth - if we talk about the Japanese fashionistas from Harajuku, the heart of the beautiful Tokyo madness. However, it does not remain a purely local phenomenon - the icon of the blown-up Japanese style, Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, went on a world tour this week and implants a Kawai in the States. However, to judge the current trends in Japanese make-up only by its style is not worth it - there are more options. We talk about the main make-up techniques that young Japanese women use for self-expression.

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Photo: cover photo via Shutterstock

Watch the video: Wonderzine не понимает блокчейн. Майнинг и ICO угнетениекоинов (May 2024).

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