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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of the moon singer

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. In the new issue, singer Kristina Bardash, performing soulful pop under the pseudonym Luna, tells how she eats, how many sleep and how she lives, to feel good.


GOOD FEELING For me, it means being in a healthy state of body and mind.

I BEGIN DAY WITH MEDITATION. Then I feed my son, send him to kindergarten, and go to the gym myself.

I RUN AND RUN A STRETCH. Strength training and cardio discord with my inner state: I am rather a relaxed cat than a soldier Jane.

I kayfuyu from a healthy way of life and do not like a pause in it. They happen, for example, after night strolls. I try to teach myself to have fun in moderation: apparently, the age has already passed when it was possible to have a pool with the head.

BODY CARE MUST BE SYSTEMIC,but not fanatical: from fanaticism, sooner or later they will be sick. I had to go through it in hobbies and work in order to work out a scheme that was comfortable for myself. Finding it, you can cope with many without haste and without stress.

AT THE GASTROLES I TRY TO KEEP THE BODY UNDER CONTROL. I take fruits and cereal bars on the plane, and after emotional concerts I drink herbal teas with fennel and melissa to sleep better. I use all my free time on tour for recreation: I appreciate any opportunity to be alone with myself.

WHEN ARE ALL THE TIME, but you need a snack, I eat bread and apples. If I am in the center of Kiev, I run to the Vegano Hooligano bistro. I would like to have more such democratic vegetarian establishments, where, on the way from the studio, you can grab soup and salad not for 30 bucks.

SPELLING AVERAGE AT TEN HOURS PER DAY: for a vocalist it is very important to sleep a lot. After a concert or a party I can sleep through all fourteen hours - the energy consumption must be compensated.

THE MOST USEFUL COUNCIL ON PART OF HEALTH, which I have ever received - to monitor my emotional state more. I am convinced that many diseases are associated with the work of the nervous system.

I DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL: it's always bad for me.

EVERY DAY I WRITE A LIST OF 30 DEALS(there are even the smallest ones in it) and I undertake to fulfill them before me. If I need to solve a serious issue, but I know that I can not pull, I ask for help, and things are moving from the dead center.

NOW I AM PERFECT AGED: awareness is already present, and at the same time energy is in full swing.

I LOVE MY BODY AS NEVER: every cell, every fold. My face does not hide anything: the eyes reflect any state and "fill" with this state the whole face.

A COUPLE OF YEARS BACK I HAVE PROBLEMS, because of which I had to take tranquilizers and sleeping pills. But, apparently, they did not suit me: everything was getting worse from drugs. Now I have found a way to cope with this, and it is very important for me not to let my emotional pendulum oscillate too much.

PROJECT MOON - MY INTERIOR ROD. Each victory charges me, and in the process I develop new strengths in myself.

IT IS IMPORTANT DON'T PUT YOURSELF INTO IRON FRAMES, and love yourself any, your nature. Then it will be easier to cope with the difficulties on the way to a harmonious state - physical and moral.

Watch the video: Brush Your Teeth Nursery Rhymes. The Good Habits Song. Baby Songs (May 2024).

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