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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Alternative: Faux fur coat that fits to everything

Under the heading "alternative" We talk about the most relevant things of the moment, which can be bought from different brands - both cheap and not. Fashion is cyclical, which means that things from this heading can be easily found in second-hand and swaps - we advise you to think about this option first.





More and more brands and corporations are refusing to cooperate with suppliers of natural fur: only for the last year, Versace, Gucci, Burberry and Michael Kors were on the list of those who no longer produce fur. Not everything is unambiguous with synthetic materials - most often their production and utilization also cause significant damage to nature. The best option in this case is to find the thing in second-hand, exchange groups and sales in social networks or on European streets, where there are always such fur coats.

A universal brown fur coat, somewhat reminiscent of the cult model from Wes Anderson’s movie "The Tenenbaum Family", was shown a couple of seasons ago in the Alessandro Michele collection for Gucci - it still remains a relevant alternative to voluminous down jackets and winter parks. You can wear such a thing with a silk scarf, tied on the head, or a woolen balaclava, playing on the contrast of styles.

Photo: Totême, Monki

Watch the video: Affordable Alternatives: Parka Coats Four Options (January 2025).

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