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Pear hangs: Where to start boxing

We recently argued why it is not worth dividing sports into male and female, - not out of a craving for ranting, but as a preface to a series of materials about “non-female” sports activities. In the first issue we tell what to do, where to go and how to prepare, if you decide to go in for boxing, but first determine the terminology: there are several types of boxing, and usually, when speaking "boxing", they mean English, where only fists strike blows, - about him and will be discussed.

Boxing is not thoughtless threshingso that during classes not only physical fitness improves, but also ingenuity. “Every sport allows you to develop some kind of ability - or several. Those who are engaged in dancing feel more feminine and graceful, and with boxing, self-confidence and the ability to think ahead come. When I came to the section, I realized that the options are“ just piling on ‟no - you need to turn on your head and assess the situation beyond one stroke,” says Ekaterina Izotova, coach of the Rocky Road Gym club, world and European champion in Thai boxing and Belarus in boxing. “Any sport is a discipline, and if you are disciplined, everything will turn out. Boxing is an interesting and thoughtful sport, not just a boring rocking chair,” Olga and Xenia suggest (they have been boxing for more than a year).

You can start classes with any physical training (it is clear that the worse it is, the more difficult it will be for a beginner). It is impossible to get rid of just practicing the blows in the hall - it is important for a boxer to have a well-developed vestibular apparatus, flexibility and a respiratory system. Cardio loads cannot be avoided in any case: they are used as a warm-up before each session (jump rope, jogging with elementary exercises on the move or without, an ellipse trainer or a rowing), it is even better to carry them out in addition to boxing. You can start with slow runs of 15 minutes each and gradually increase the duration; 40 minutes is the best option. If you want not only to throw off the weight and tighten the figure, you will have to add exercises at the gym - the muscles grow after the “iron”, and not boxing itself.

As with any activities in the hall, it is important to find a pleasant club. "It happens that the hall is good, but because of the team or the schedule, it is inconvenient to do - then you have to continue to look for a club that will suit everyone. As they found, take a test workout - they don’t just exist. They give basic exercises to determine physical training, and you can look at the coach and the room "- the coach continues. From our side, we add that it is better to practice in small groups so that the coach can pay attention to each student; 5 people - ok (individual training in general space).

The training itself lasts about one and a half hours. First - warm up. In the role of it, by the way, can act as a shadow boxing - boxing in the air. This option is not for beginners, because you need to turn on the imagination and move as you would in a real battle. At first it is difficult and incomprehensible, but one should strive for good work with air - the purpose of the training is not to learn to bang the bag. Following the warm-up of all joints and ligaments and stretching is the workout itself. There are many exercises and different trainers should pay attention to all muscle groups and evenly load them (“nobody needs a separate biceps”), so that the legs, arms, back, and press are trained. Depending on the level of the student, they can put him in front of the mirror, work out the blows while sitting or standing, on the "paws" or play "Fifteen" to develop the feeling of a partner, if it is too early to fight. "At the end of the training after the rounds on the projectiles, we stretch, perform abdominal exercises and can do somersaults - they develop the vestibular apparatus," explains Catherine.

You should not worry about equipment for beginners: you need a comfortable sports uniform (shorts, leggings, T-shirt, rashgard, sneakers or boxers), for working with projectiles - bandages and gloves, and when you get to pair boxing - a helmet and a cap are required. Those with vision problems need to take off their glasses or go to day lenses (it will not be a shame if they accidentally fall out). Food is quite simple: you can not go hungry, you have to eat, you can drink too. "I usually have breakfast (it is important to have breakfast in general) with porridge or omelette and I go to the gym - the journey takes an hour and a half, so by the beginning of the workout everything is assimilated. You can strengthen the exercises and“ stretch out muscles, but without weight control you won't lose weight to lose weight, to eat fractionally, not to eat bread and sweets (at least in the afternoon) and drink at least two liters a day - not tea, coffee or juice, but plain water, ”says Catherine.

The most difficult, at first glance, the issue with a place to practice in practice turns out to be quite simple - a boxing club can be found even close to home. On thematic forums like boxing.ru there are a lot of addresses of halls and contacts of personal trainers - at least a dozen passwords and attendances of places of different accessibility give one polite and sensible question. Plus, new friendly places are opening up: in October and Rocky Road Gym we would have gone ourselves (with secret or not very intent to become cool, like the leading favorite subject blog Girls and Boxing).


Watch the video: Bfree's Chris tutorial on Speed Ball Bag boxing punch training (May 2024).

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