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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Not only "Mafia": 10 cool games for a big company

Alexandra Savina

In the autumn, we increasingly want to stay at home., and home parties and get-togethers with friends are becoming the most common entertainment. We have collected ten not the most famous games for the company (alcoholic and not only), for most of which only paper and pen are needed. Sure, they will make the cold autumn days more fun.


You will need: Paper and pen timer

How to play:The board game "Boom" can be bought, or you can think up cards for it yourself. Before the start of the game, each of the players writes on several paper cards the names of famous people (it is better to choose celebrities who are familiar to everyone present - it’s easier and more fun). Players are then divided into teams; one move the team is given a minute. In the first round, players need to take cards from the deck and explain to other team members who they are talking about without naming a celebrity - they get as many points as they can guess. When all cards are finished, they are added back to the deck and the second round begins: now the names of celebrities need to be explained by pantomime. In the third round, names must be explained in one word. The advantage of the game is that all the players are involved in it: even if it is not your turn now, you need to listen carefully, because the cards are repeated.

Winking assassin

You will need: A deck of cards or paper and pen

How to play: At the beginning of the game, you need to assign roles and choose who will be the killer - for this you can use several cards according to the number of players (the one who draws the ace of spades becomes the killer) or write the roles on pieces of paper. Players draw a card or piece of paper, not showing others, and sit in a circle. The task of the killer - to wink at other players imperceptibly: the one to whom he winks, “dies”. The task of the other players is to catch the killer: at any moment of the game they can blame someone. If the name of the killer is called correctly, he lost; if the player makes a mistake and calls the name of the innocent, he also "dies." If the killer manages to knock out all but the last player, he wins (and this is much more difficult than it seems).


You will need:Alcohol

How to play: Not the easiest, but very fun alcohol game, different versions of the rules of which are described in detail in Wikipedia. Players stand in a circle and count in turns to 21. In one of the most common versions of the rules, players can count one, two or three digits. If a player names one number, the game continues in the same direction as before (for example, the person next to the player’s right counts). If he names two numbers, the game changes direction (in our example, the next figure is the person to the left of the player). If a person names three numbers, the game continues in the same direction as before, but the player standing next to the person counting, misses the turn.

The player who has to call the number 21 loses, and in punishment also has to drink - and also come up with one more additional rule (for example, all numbers multiple to three must be pronounced in English, or instead of the number 5 you need to wink at one of the players). Anyone who makes mistakes, calls the wrong numbers, gets confused in the new rules and is too slow, should also drink as a punishment. The game can continue until each rule has its own rule - or until you get tired of drinking.

Insert phrase

You will need: Paper and pen

How to play: A game that can be played throughout the evening. Each guest, when he comes to you, needs to distribute a sheet of pre-prepared phrases (for example, "I'm thinking of running a marathon," "" Game of Thrones "taught me a lot," "What do you think of the latest Yeezy collection?"). The task of the players is not showing their proposal to others, imperceptibly insert it into a normal conversation. After the player utters his phrase, he must wait five minutes for the others to be able to calculate it. If during this time a person is not caught, then he receives a prize. This game also has an alcovering: in this case, if someone could successfully insert his phrase into the conversation, everyone else drinks. If someone catches you on the fact that you use a phrase that was prepared in advance, you will have to drink already.


You will need:Alcohol jelly or shots

How to play:Players sit in a circle at a table laden with stacks of alcohol (count your strength, choosing a drink!) Or cups of alcohol jelly. At the beginning of the game, everyone looks down, and then, at the expense of three, they raise their eyes and look at another player. If you look at someone who does not look at you, you are lucky; if you meet your eyes, you need to shout: "Medusa!" - and drink a shot. And so until the alcohol is over - or simply not get bored.

Sing song ping pong

You will need: A device that plays music (but not necessarily)

How to play: The game, which appeared and became popular thanks to the film "The Perfect Voice". In it, you can play as breaking into teams, and one by one. In order to achieve success in the game, you need to be able to improvise well - but it is not necessary to be able to sing professionally, the main thing is not to be shy. The player or team making the first move begins to sing any song (you can simply turn on the first song in the player). Other participants can at any time interrupt the one who is singing now and sing another song, starting with the word that appears first in the text, and so on. The round continues until one of the players succeeds in singing his song to the end - in this case he gets a point. The game can be continued until someone has gained 5-10 points, depending on how much time you have spent on one round. If you wish, you can complicate the game and play in English.


You will need: Paper and pen, alcohol (optional)

How to play: This is an alcoholic game, but it is not necessary to drink at all - instead, you can assign another fine. Before the start of the game, each participant receives a piece of paper on which he must write some task. All papers are folded into a hat or box; Players take turns pulling one by one, without showing it to the others. After that, players begin to deal with their tasks in turn. Everyone has a choice: you can complete the task, you can exchange with someone who has not fulfilled his task (you cannot discuss which task anyone has), or refuse to do the task and have a drink - or get another fixed penalty. If you drop your own task, you can’t change it with others - you have to do it or have a drink.

Two truths and one lie

You will need: Paper and pen (but not required)

How to play: Each player needs to come up with three sentences about himself - two truthful and one false. Players take turns reading out statements about themselves (in any order), and the rest need to determine where the truth is, and where is the lie. After the rest of the vote, the player tells how everything really is. The success of the game depends largely on how creative the participants are to it - but it helps a lot in an unfamiliar company.


You will need: Hats, paper crowns or holiday caps

How to play: This game is good because you can play it discreetly throughout the whole evening - especially if you are having dinner at the same table. It got its name from the Christmas party, which is popular in the UK and some other countries, with a small prize and a paper crown. Players wear hats or any other hats, and the moderator announces that all players must take them off after he removes his own. The leader must take off his hat not immediately, but after a while, when the players get distracted and, perhaps, forget that the game is still going on. The one who takes the hat off last plays.

birds of a feather flock together

You will need: Paper and pen for each player

How to play:Before the start of the game, the presenter must come up with ten categories (for example, "Silent Movie Actresses", "Alcohol Cocktails", "Musicians of the 80s"). It is better to play with a big company, and players should split into two teams. The moderator in turn declares each of the categories, and participants must write the first three words or names that match their name that come to their mind. Trying to be the most original is not worth it: points are awarded for words that have written several people from the team. For example, for a word that three team members wrote, you can give three points, for a word that four team members wrote, four points, and so on. The winner is the team with the most points.

Watch the video: Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One (January 2025).

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