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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Translator Olga Lukinskaya about body positiv and favorite cosmetics

FOR THE FACE "HEAD"we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About taste

When I was little, I could try to say something loudly in response to a suggestion that it was tasteless. Seller on the market: "Try the apple, sweet!" - and little Olya him: "Sweet, most tasteless!" At some point, Mom and Dad explained to me that it is better to say "I do not like" or "I do not like", because I really do not like it and I do not like it. Now it seems to me that people often confuse "beautiful" and "I like."

When someone finds out that I live in Spain, it often states in an authoritative tone that there are “the most beautiful men”. The first in me includes the subjectivity, multiplied by the hackneyed standards of beauty: seriously, short-eyed goggles, bald by the age of 30 - are these the most beautiful men? The second is body-positive: I sincerely believe that all people are beautiful, and after the birth of the child it became even more acute to feel it, because life is a miracle in itself. And the third reaction - will I really waste my nerves and explain about body-positive to a person who engages in a dialogue at the level of "the most beautiful men / women are Spaniards / Ukrainian / football players and so on"? We know that the most beautiful people are surfers (just kidding).

I do not think that body positivism and the presence of preferences contradict each other. I like my own body without hair and fresh manicure, and I also like the series about the twenty-first century, but the “Game of Thrones” is not interesting, there are costumes. This does not mean that the series is terrible and no one should watch it. Feminism - the ability to choose and do as you want. I am not touched by someone else's unshaven armpits; I like my friends smooth, and, I hope, it does not touch those around me (in fact, most people are not up to me at all).

About "for others" and "for yourself"

Since childhood, it seems to me that doing something to please another is a strange and unnecessary garbage. This is pretense, deception. Family and friends always seem beautiful to me, and they like me too, because it's me, not “me-specially-embellished-to-like”. A couple of weeks ago, the beautician, who makes me hair removal, suddenly decided to advise (I quote) "to make a playful tattoo on her pubis". I shuddered and replied that I didn’t want, it’s not interesting to me. "Well, of course, my husband will like it." But how can he please, if I do through force what I don’t want? Unfortunately, sacrifice for the sake of man is considered by many to be the norm, but I see legalized violence in it.

I like my age, I feel comfortable in it, I am sure that thirty is the new twenty in the sense that you can start a lot, and there is still plenty of time ahead. But I love it when they say that I look younger than my years (not because 34 years is something bad, but because by younger they usually mean good skin quality and a healthy complexion). And I really don't like it when they think out for me what is not. For example, they say "do not worry, it is completely unnoticed that you have the 42nd shoe size" (and am I really worried?), Or they think that I am flirting when I complain about the problems caused by big breasts.

I love to make money and I love to spend it on my health and appearance. I do not regret good makeup and injections. I go to three fitness centers: in one I swing, in the other I do swimming with a baby, and the third is the guys with whom I train on the beach. After the birth of Christopher, I thought that people on this occasion buy cars, but I don’t need a car, but veneers will not interfere. She found a clinic, a doctor and did (and immediately bought bright lipsticks). In the autumn I plan surgery to reduce the breast. I am for any intervention in reasonable limits, if the person will feel better from them. If it seems that a new breast will help marry and make friends, then it is better to see a psychotherapist; and if you want clothes on your chest to sit better and your back does not hurt, then you can go to the surgeon.

About habits

In another, perfect, universe, I would know how and love to cook. And I would cook healthy breakfasts, complex lunches, protein dinners, and a couple of vegetable smoothies every day. But in the universe where we live, I do not like to cook and do not know how. And do not get upset, it is impossible to be able to do everything. But I often go in for sports, I do not smoke, I get enough sleep (even with a seven-month-old baby), I work a lot, I go for a massage, I walk more than 10 thousand steps a day, I regularly visit doctors, donate blood every year, do screening for moles means.

I think it is important to develop small habits, to introduce some classes into the routine. First you make an effort, and then without it you can’t. My husband and I made it a rule to watch at least one movie a week together. We also have to find 10–15 minutes every day to talk, discuss the past day and plans for tomorrow. It would seem, nonsense, because weekdays are similar to each other, but it very much brings together and creates an atmosphere of peace. And on Sunday, the whole family will definitely go out for a long walk and have lunch with burgers.

About bodypositive

I went through hate for my body and rejection of myself, brutal diets and bulimia, heavy training regimes of the day. There was a period with a trainer who put me in distilled water. I remember that after training on the shoulders, bruising from the sleeves of a T-shirt appeared, that is, everything was unbalanced to some extreme fragility of the vessels. I managed to escape from this horror, but, unfortunately, the recipe is not universal: I left Russia. And in Barcelona, ​​slowly, drop by drop, I began to notice that I (“fat and non-skilled”) were staring that nobody in the gym changing room looked with disdain, despite the asymmetry of the chest and the folds on the sides.

There is no condemnation of those who are not like the majority. In decent work, you can not hide the tattoo under the sleeves; non-standard hair color, shaved whiskey, ear-rings in the nose and eyebrows are a personal matter, the quality of work and the level of salary do not depend on it. When my son fell ill at 8 weeks, an attentive and very professional pediatric nurse with dreadlocks to the waist examined him in the emergency room of the clinic. Parents with newborns are greeted with smiles and careful help - no “have to stay at home”.

And I think that a calm attitude towards people who look out of the box is only a small part of the general culture of perception of all on an equal footing. This is about people with disabilities, and about the blind, and people with Down syndrome. The presence of a disease or injury is not a reason to abandon a full life, and, most importantly, the desire to live this full life does not meet with resistance from society. From this position, the appearance - quite unimportant nonsense.

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