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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Alternative beauty in instagrame Ravve

We continue to tell about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Jules and Gebs lead instagram Ravve - perhaps the most interesting account, where they collect examples of what is called "alternative beauty" from the entire social network. Once a month, they also choose the best representatives of the underground beauty world for Dazed Beauty - and this is a good recommendation.

The peculiarity of Ravve is that the account creators conduct honest searches for the next candidates for appearing in the tape: for them the number of subscribers and other indicators of heroes’s coverage do not matter, the main thing is compliance with blown-up beauty standards. So if you are interested in tattoo masters with unusual vision, models, artists and designers whose taste extends beyond the ironed instack, as well as non-canonical makeup, we advise you to subscribe immediately.

Watch the video: Travel New York with Jazzelle: The Instagram Sensation @UglyWorldWide (December 2024).

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