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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of the chief editor of the site L'Officiel Ukraine Dasha Zarivna

IN THE RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. In the new issue, the chief editor of the online version of Ukrainian L'Officiel Dasha Zarivnaya tells how she eats, how much she sleeps and how she lives to feel good.


Feeling good for me is to be full of energy. and have time for a lot in a short period of time. But if I sleep more than eight hours, I turn into boiled asparagus.

It seems to me that the system is based on a healthy lifestyle., a complex picture: losing some important fragment, you may not get the expected result (or, having received, not fixed it).

Does not work: monodiets, detox juices, severe restrictions from which the mood spoils.

Works: sports, massages, proper nutrition - a system in which everything is balanced. I eat according to the principle "everything is possible, but little by little."

EXCEPT SURFING AND RUN, almost all sports were unsuitable for me. It's not about them - it's about me: I'm a lazy awkward animal.

My main bad habits - love of carbohydrates and products of Italian winemakers. In general, I have such a variety of "breaks" in food, which is easier to say, as I limit myself: I refused sweets and try not to eat late at night.

RECENTLY MY ORGANISM STRANGE HAS REFUSED MEAT. I can not explain it in any way rationally: it is not a fad, not an ideology, not pity for animals - I just can not eat meat anymore.

MY SLEEP MODE UNDER CONTROL HOLDS A DAUGHTER: never lets me sleep more than six hours a day.

IN MY ENVIRONMENT rarely meet a journalist, tormented by a hangover. In my opinion, everyone got the hand for drinking regularly without serious consequences for their well-being and work.

I was a small version of Howard Hughes as a child. (only without billions on the account and the penthouse in Las Vegas): I washed the fruit after my mother and grandmother, was very afraid of microbes and was preparing to die for any indisposition. Then I went to the other extreme: I go to the doctors and drink the pills only if I fall down.

Every time I leave the dentist, I promise myself to returnon scheduled inspection in a month. After seven or eight months, I burst into his cozy, smelling mint-filled office with a pair of Ketanova tablets behind a swollen cheek and recall this promise.

My daughter is six years old, and while my main contribution to her healthy lifestyles was a short course of surfing and a steady rejection of Coca-Cola.

I've got too many questions latelywhich I cannot find answers on my own. Is 27 years the same age to go to a psychologist for the first time?

In stressful situations I just turn on any song and for three or four minutes I completely disconnect from the outside world, and then I return to the problem and make a decision.

for emotional balance I try not to dwell on trifles, to think about global goals, to take each defeat as part of the process, and not as a result, to remember what is better to do than not to do, and not to transform.

Sometimes it is worth raising your head and looking up.: clouds floating across the sky remind that all problems are petty and nothing lasts forever under the moon.

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