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"Do not sit on the cold": Is it possible to "freeze" the kidneys

Most women in the former Soviet Union familiar with the phrase "Do not sit on a stone - chill kidneys", which was pronounced first by grandmothers and mothers, and then teachers and even strangers in the park or on the street. We talked with the urologist and urogynecologist Alexey Tolmachyov and tried to figure out where the diseases of the kidneys and bladder come from and whether they are related to the fact that someone is sitting on the cool steps.

Can the kidneys "freeze"?

The kidneys are located quite far from the surface, under several layers of tissue. The temperature inside the human body is maintained at an optimal level, and when it is reduced even by a couple of degrees, severe and unpleasant symptoms of hypothermia occur: from an increase in pulse rate and a slight lack of coordination to a decrease in reflexes and coma. It is clear that in such a state a person is unlikely to continue to sit on the stone floor and continue to do what he did - and vice versa, supercooling does not threaten students who clearly read the lectures while sitting on the steps. Internal organs can cool, if a person has slept for several hours in the cold without clothes - and then medical assistance will most likely be required not only by the urinary system.

Back in 1988, Minnesota conducted a study on the effects of extreme temperatures on the kidneys of rats: isolated kidneys were heated to 41 degrees and cooled to 30. Even in this form, far from the possible effects of temperature, the structure and function of the kidneys were disturbed much more when heated; low temperature was practically no harm. That is, it can be assumed that the cold is not so bad for the kidneys, as is commonly believed, all the more so as to really lower their temperature is almost impossible.

In general, it is well known what factors influence the work of the kidneys: among them there are different medications, tumor processes, high blood pressure and others, but cold is not among them. Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis - can develop either when bacteria enter them (from the bottom upwards, from the bladder), or if the urine outflow is disturbed, for example, by a stone stuck in the ureter cavity. This is not such a frequent disease, unlike inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis), which every fifth woman in the world has encountered at least once in a lifetime.

Can cystitis develop from cold?

No, he can not; cystitis in the majority of cases caused by a bacterial infection. Most often E. coli enters the bladder, but sometimes other bacteria cause it; however, usually we are talking about microbes that inhabit the human body in the normal, and not about exotic infections. The urinary tract is normally sterile, and if bacteria get into them, for example, from the intestines or from the surface of the skin, inflammation may develop. Of course, there are cases when cystitis is caused by a fungal infection or specific sexually transmitted diseases.

Most often, microbes enter the urethra, from which they then rise into the bladder, with problems with personal hygiene or during sex - in the latter case, it can be a question of the microbial flora of both the woman and her partner. In women, the urethra is short, wide and located near the vestibule of the vagina - and this anatomy, unfortunately, contributes to the ingress of infections. Sometimes acute cystitis occurs after a change of partner - so the urethra can react to a new, unusual microflora.

Cystitis is non-infectious; It can be caused by certain medications, radiation, allergies to spermicides or bath foam. It happens that inflammation is caused by trauma - for example, after inserting a catheter into the bladder. There are certain factors that increase the risk: this is the presence of sexual activity, anatomical congenital abnormalities, pregnancy and menopause (due to hormonal changes), urinary retention. However, neither the causes nor the risk factors for cystitis and urethritis are affected by cold.

Then why does this happen after swimming in cold water?

And yet it happens that it is after exposure to cold that a person notices the typical symptoms of cystitis: pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain during urination, frequent urging to the toilet, sometimes even blood in the urine or fever. In this case, we can talk about the exacerbation of chronic cystitis - and the reason for it in the once cured infection. There is no definitive evidence that a cold can provoke an exacerbation: in one experiment they found a link between overcooling of the legs and the onset of symptoms of cystitis, but the design of this study is questionable, if only because of the very low number of participants.

It is possible that in many cases, sitting in the cold or bathing becomes only a mental guide and cystitis would arise or worsen in any case, but it is remembered as something that happened after exposure to cold. It must be understood that very often “after” does not mean “due”. Do not blame yourself for lack of discipline; it is better to go to a doctor as soon as possible, get tested and figure out the best treatment option.

What to do and how to treat?

In acute cystitis, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is usually prescribed, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and refuse sex until the inflammation has passed - such treatment may be prescribed by a general practitioner. If cystitis often resumes, it is better to consult a urologist for additional examinations - for example, using ultrasound or cystoscopy (examination of the bladder using a special device). In chronic cystitis, a longer treatment can be prescribed; the doctor may also recommend an independent over-the-counter antibiotic in case of an aggravation, so as not to run to the clinic every time.

Consultation of a gynecologist will not interfere either: perhaps cystitis often worsens due to a specific situation or increased mobility of the urethra. During pregnancy, the risk of urethritis and cystitis is increased due to changes in hormonal status, and women prone to these infections should be given special attention to personal hygiene and use condoms. But you can not worry about sitting in the cold - statements about his danger are exaggerated.

Photo: iskandarov - stock.adobe.com (1, 2), Evgeny - stock.adobe.com, Fanfo - stock.adobe.com

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