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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of world boxing champion Svetlana Kulakova

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The heroine of the new release is the world boxing champion Svetlana Kulakova.

Feel good for me - it is to wake up in a great mood. I woke up and smile - it means everything is good.

In the morning I always do forty minutes of exercise. Then I go to school with my daughter or run to the cross, and my dad takes her daughter away - we replace each other every other day.

I exercise every day, this is my job. The load depends on the stage of preparation. In rest mode, between competitions, I usually do exercises and train once a day. At the training camp it turns out more: morning exercises plus two workouts.

I don’t blame or blame myself. It happens, of course, that debriefing with a coach after a fight, when I understand where and what mistake I made. Then I can say to myself that nothing, for example, gave vent to emotions. But these are working moments, and I personally love myself and do not scold me for anything.

I have not had any complexes. I lost weight or recovered - nonsense, I have to gain weight and dry as part of work, but I always like my reflection in the mirror.

In normal mode, I do not limit myself to food. With my rhythm and loads, if I wish, I can afford both a cake, and caviar, and dumplings, although I think that moderation is important in everything. The only thing I do not allow myself at all is alcohol. Two and a half years ago we decided to introduce prohibition in the family. I wanted champagne for the first couple of weeks, I love it very much, but I quickly got used to it and don’t suffer from it at all.

My daughter Katyusha eight years. When I am not away or at the training camp, we train together. I try to instill the understanding that charging is part of life; physical activity should be familiar, then it will not be through force, you will not have to force yourself - there will just be a need to move. Of course, she doesn’t always want to study, but hopefully, over time, she will be grateful for the formation of this habit.

The main thing I want to teach my daughter in relation to the body, sport, nutrition, health, moderation. For example, in training: if she does something well, she can enjoy five hours in a row. I would like to teach her not to go to extremes; I hope this will come with age.

Now my daughter was fascinated by the game of chess, and we all have a chess period: we play in the evenings. This is very cool, because you forget about all the problems, switch, enjoy communication with your family.

I am thirty four years old, and I feel wonderful at my age. I would not want to go back; I remember myself at eighteen and seem to myself a stupid child. With age, I began to better find balance, harmony, appreciate simple things. I think that the understanding of moderation, which I want to teach my daughter, is also an age thing: time will pass and she will feel it.

It is very important for me to sleep well. I believe that mood depends on the quality of sleep. For me, a good dream is first of all a rest in the open air, with an open window, no stuffiness. I love to go out of town, sleep where there is no city noise and gas, even in a tent I like to relax. And if the air is fresh, then I need seven hours or even less to sleep well.

I can not say that I find it difficult form some healthy habits. I listen to my body and, if necessary, try to rebuild something gradually, without extreme sports.

I used to drink very little water, I just had no habit. Drink plenty of non-carbonated water - this is the best health advice I've ever received.

When time allows, we get in the car and go either to holy places or to the sea, to Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana; family and changing the situation best of all help me relax and relieve my psyche.

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