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Is it true that sport helps fight hangovers?

Text: Karina Sembe

With alcohol, jokes are bad, and we have already told you why: in alcohol, and so useful is not enough, but many people remember it not before the hangover comes. There are ways to alleviate the consequences of spree - some are reliable, others are dubious. Those who at least once in their life had a hard morning after were probably ready to do anything to stop the pain: drink three liters of water, eat a jar of pickles for breakfast, drink pills or, sorry for the expression, hang out (all this is not recommended ). There is a myth that the hangover will pass faster if you go in for sports: you will sweat well and take the alcohol out of the body.

Attempts to beat sports hangovers are popular. American chef and restaurateur Mario Batali tells in an interview with People: "If you wake up for 45 minutes after waking up and then have a beer, the hangover will pass. But you need to sweat a lot. Keep in mind that hangovers are in dehydrated parts organism, it needs to be withdrawn. " It is not entirely clear what Batali means by the dehydrated parts of the body, but let's say at once: this method is dangerous for health. The desire to suppress the hangover with intoxication is understandable, but not commendable. When alcohol is ingested, an unmotivated anxiety associated with a decrease in the dopamine content in the brain does pass, but this method of improving well-being is potentially dangerous. Do not forget that, in addition to other consequences of intoxication, such actions can lead to binge drinking.

Sport will also do more harm than good. This is confirmed by Dr. Damion Martins, a sports medicine physician from New Jersey: “It’s impossible to get the hangover out with sweat. Trying to do this, you cause even more dehydration of the body that has already been affected by alcohol, and this adversely affects your health. A hangover is poisoning by the oxidized decay products of alcoholic beverages. In the body, alcohol breaks down to acetaldehyde. As is known, in this process, the liver takes the brunt of itself, it is even considered that the rate of ethanol decomposition is approximately proportional to the mass of the liver. Residues are excreted with urine, respiration and sweat. So, when you sweat during exercise, toxic substances actually leave the body, and the more perspiration, the higher their concentration in sweat. In such a presentation, the theory of sport as a hangover recipe sounds quite plausible, but in practice, which we do not recommend, everything works differently.

You cause even greater dehydration of the body, which is already affected by alcohol

Alcohol and dehydration after its use can cause poor circulation, blood pressure drops and cardiac arrhythmia. The reason for the latter is the lack of magnesium in the body. The fact is that the diuretic effect of alcohol leads to frequent urination needs, as a result of which the body loses potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine - the main electrolytes that ensure the maintenance of water and acid-base balance. Alcohol can remain in the blood even after a good night’s sleep, so at least a day before the workout it is better to refuse alcohol. The effect of alcohol on the liver also manifests itself in a lack of oxygen, which complicates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - a direct source of energy for muscles. During a run with a hangover, the risk of muscle spasms, cramps, sprains is higher. In addition, alcohol leads to an increase in the level of creatine kinase and lactate in the blood, which adversely affects the state of the internal organs and can cause increased pain in the muscles. Another obvious factor not in favor of hangover training is the characteristic sluggishness and impaired coordination of movements - a direct path to unexpected injuries.

Some people go in for sports with a hangover not for quick healing, but simply because they are afraid to miss another training session. Perhaps classes in this format will not only help you to recover from what you had drunk the day before, but they will not give a direct effect. Studies on laboratory rats have shown that alcohol reduces protein synthesis and, as a result, slows down the processes of muscle growth and recovery. Sport can only help in the fight against the habit of drinking without measure, although this is debatable: according to research data, we drink alcohol more often on days when we play sports. In general, with alcoholic beverages, as with sports, to establish healthy relationships is not easy. If, despite the indisposition, you still really want to warm up, it is better to give preference to a short yoga session or stretching under the strict guidance of a trainer, and put off the ten-kilometer run and bench press until sober times. And, most importantly, drink as much water as possible. Of course, the best way to avoid a hangover is to drink less alcohol, but if you are overtaken by the consequences of impetuous fun, respect yourself peace of mind.

Photo: Matthew Benoit - stock.adobe.com, Gresei - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: What happens to your body when you have a hangover? Top Curious (April 2024).

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