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Checklist: 7 Signs That You Are Happier Than You Think

alexander savina

The year ends, and we continue to sum up. They do not have to be positive at all, and you don’t need to be afraid of it. But sometimes it’s worth looking at your own life from an optimistic angle, it may turn out that everything is not so bad. We tell how to understand that you are actually much happier than you think.


You have not yet become the head

We are used to seeing a career as a steep vertical ladder: you start at twenty with a little or a little earlier, and then quickly get promoted after promotion - and at thirty you get a managerial position. In reality, it is often different: an interesting (or any other) job may not be found right away, you can wait a long time for a raise or be disappointed in what you have been doing for the past few years, abruptly change course and start over. Even if you have not yet achieved the desired career heights, it is much more important to just enjoy what you are doing. If you are interested in work, you are doing what you love and take up new business with enthusiasm, understand that you have room to grow and are happy with your colleagues - it means that everything is in order.


You did not achieve the goals that you set yourself

At the beginning of the year, many people set themselves different tasks: read a couple of dozen books, engage in self-development, and finally sign up for an interesting online course, buy a subscription and at least a couple of times a week go in for sports. A week before the end of the year, it turns out that far from everything turned out - and we do not understand whether it makes sense to try further. The truth is that in a similar situation, many people discover themselves (80% of Americans refuse to give themselves promises by the second week of February). You can congratulate yourself on the fact that you at least tried - it means that you want to make your life better. It is better to think what exactly went wrong - and how you can make your goal more realistic.


You do not exercise regularly

When we think of a happy and “full” life, sport seems to be its integral part. Many scold themselves for not having acquired the coveted cubes on the stomach, and instead of vegetables for a couple periodically choose a pizza - but in practice everything may not be so scary. We have already said that we often underestimate yourself and taking care of your health: it may very well be that you eat so varied, do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, and get enough sleep. There can be the same thing with sports: maybe you don't need additional physical activity, if you move so much - try to walk, climb stairs instead of an elevator or walk in the evenings.


Personal life is not similar to what is shown in the movie.

Love is surrounded by many myths presented to us by pop culture and classical literature. In reality, long-term relationships are rarely similar to what we see on the screen: these are not necessarily endless explosions of passion, but something that may seem like cooling of feelings (for example, if sex has become less than at the beginning of a relationship, or you occasionally do something separately from the partner), in fact, does not always mean problems. If you agree on global issues, you have common ideas about the future, you trust each other and are ready to work on the difficulties that arise - it is quite possible that you have a stable and strong relationship with a partner in which you don’t need to change anything.

If you are alone now, this also does not mean that something is wrong with you. Some researchers consider loneliness to be an important evolutionary mechanism: it is this that forces us to unite with other people and helps to establish deep and strong relationships. Loneliness can be a conscious choice, the result of a confluence of circumstances, or the time necessary to move away from injury — but in any case, it’s time to stop treating it as a disadvantage or a temporary phase on the path to a "bright future."


You do not know where you see yourself in five years

A classic interview question that leads many to a dead end: despite the abundance of advice, many think about it only on the eve of a conversation with Eychar and try to answer as much as a potential employer will like. In reality, many of us do not have a clear plan and understanding of what awaits us in the near future - and this is absolutely normal. Setting goals for the future is a useful practice, especially if you choose not an abstract “to lead a healthier lifestyle” or “to find a class work”, but more specific tasks - and you understand what needs to be done to accomplish them. However, life does not always meet expectations, and an unexpected turn is possible at any point. Perhaps in three years you will understand that instead of working in a large corporation, you would like to live in a European village and make a living trading cookies and cakes - although you could not even think about it before. Life is changing and can lead you to a completely unexpected point - and there is nothing terrible in the fact that you cannot yet imagine it or you do not know how to reach it.


You have no children (and people around you say it's time)

We hope you understand this anyway, but let's just say it again. Even if everyone around you is sure that without children your life will be “inferior”, and they hint that there is less time left for the birth of the child, telling about the notorious “watch”, the decision whether you want children or not is up to you. The times when children were considered the only purpose of a woman and the desire built into her by default, are long gone. If you made a conscious decision (to delay or not to have children in principle) and are happy with what is happening in your life, you have nothing to be ashamed or ashamed of.


Your hobbies are not serious

In the era of social networks it is very difficult to get rid of the feeling that everyone around you, except for you, is constantly busy with something useful. In his spare time, people around him have time to go on yoga, run ten kilometers through December snow, learn a new language and then go on the list, while you prefer to lie on the couch for a while with the series. To harden in a lazy state, of course, is not worth it. But, firstly, personal growth is not a race, and there are no winners or losers. And secondly, the ability to throw everything from time to time and not to do anything our body needs: it is not only a recharge, but also an opportunity for our brain to process all the information received in a day.

Photo: Oh Happy Day, Souq, indigolotos - stock.adobe.com, bramgino - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: 10 Signs You're At The Wrong Job (May 2024).

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