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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Cap Ameriña designer Olya Shurygin about favorite outfits

FOR RUBBER "WARDROBE" we take pictures of beautiful, original or strangely dressed people in their favorite things and ask them to tell related stories. This week our heroine is the designer of the Moscow brand Cap America Olya Shurygina. She spoke about the love of multi-layered images and minimalism, the relics received from the grandmother, things from the men's wardrobe and how to wear two dresses together.

Jacket, pants, Cap America miniskirt, Ralph Lauren boots

I will not hide: as a designer, I love to wear my things. This costume from the first collection is one of my favorites. I wear it when I want to cheer up. In everyday life I wear a suit with Ralph Lauren shoes, and in the evening - with boats or silver sandals.

Zara coat and glasses, Topshop dress, Chloé shoes, COS socks

Sometimes Zara gives pleasant surprises. For example, it is a wine-colored coat of leatherette and with pockets. I bought it in a Moscow supermarket. Genuine silk Topshop dress bought without fitting. It turned out that it was impossible to walk in it: too narrow a skirt. I was not taken aback and made a rounded cut.

Reiss jacket, Prada dress, River Island dress, Chloé boots

Jacket Reiss bought in Moscow in the first brand store in the city. They say that the designer came to the opening in person and supervised the entire process. It touched me deeply. Jacket from dense boiled silk of gray color incredibly comfortable. Prada dress bought in Moscow outlet, and River Island dress - in the already closed store. These dresses are like double chocolate: it’s twice as tasty to wear. The bag is already four years old, and during that time it has turned from black to gray, but has not lost either in beauty or convenience.

Acne blouse, Prada dress, brother gloves, Tom Ford glasses, Chloé boots

This jacket has attracted me with its length. I bought it as a birthday present. I can’t do anything with myself, I like things from a man’s wardrobe, I pulled off gloves from my brother’s wardrobe, he doesn’t know about it. Anyway, they suit me more than him. They are so big and cozy.

Zara coat, Westland T-shirt, Topshop jeans, bag - fake Hermès, unnamed cap, Ralph Lauren boots

In this form, I love to go to the clothing industry. Wine coat turns into a "crimson" from the 90s, an English hunting cap (bought in London) - into a taxi driver's cap. In addition, banana jeans and a bag are fake Hermès. Westland T-shirt took from dad.

Cap America jacket, robe and pants, unmarked t-shirt, Ralph Lauren boots

In the latest collection, I created a uniform for a fictional laboratory where scientists create dresses, art and interior objects. The things on me are made of blue denim with a lot of pockets. I love multi-layered and at the same time minimalism. Every time I try to dress "difficult", in the end I find myself in a simple total bow without accessories. That's all me.

T-shirt Cap America, jeans Levi's 501, nameless skirt, grandmother's scarf

This year I made T-shirts with an inscription especially for my team. They helped them in the show Cap America, which took place in the fall in Moscow, and as a result all the guys kept the T-shirts as a keepsake. I wear it and remember that wonderful day. Levi's 501 men's jeans were presented by a friend, and a headscarf came from Uzbekistan, where my grandmother, Olga, now lives. In Soviet times, she was the main artist at the Margilan silk factory, known throughout the country. This shawl - one of many in my archive since those times.

Homemade coat, nameless pendant, Max Mara turtleneck, COS pants, Panasonic RP-DJS400 headphones, River Island glasses, ASES brogues

Coat sewed itself. It is incredibly comfortable and often arouses interest among unfamiliar girls - this is how new clients sometimes appear. I have a special passion for turtlenecks. Bought this in Max Mara: red color especially warms the soul. Music is a kind of meditation for me, so the headphones are always with me. These are chosen because of the sound quality. I bought the pendant on the London market in Camden Town together with the ring "Olga", a wonderful master made it to order from silver.

H & M dress, Max Mara turtleneck, Chloé boots

Once again, I went to H & M with the thought "I want some kind of unique dress, especially for me." And it appeared, for 250 rubles. It is strange to wish for such a thing in H & M, but still thoughts will materialize. The dress is made of countless tassels, lined with natural silk.

Men's T-shirt DKNY, boa and apron of their own making, Zara sandals

Rarely, but still manage to dress up in the evening things. I sewed the fur jacket and transparent apron myself - these are super versatile. I wear a boa like a belt and a scarf, and I like to wear an apron over trousers and jeans. This time he became a full-fledged skirt. Zara sandals are super-comfortable and very beautiful: they resemble Cinderella's shoes, only, unlike the latter, because of the straps, they always stay on their feet.

Dress combination and Cap America fur coat, River Island clutch, Zara sandals

Dress and fur coat from my winter collection. Made of faux fur under the llama. In this image, I decided to finally drown in furs and put a fat point on a purple little clutch.

Perfume Tom Ford Champaca Absolute, Tiziana Terenzi Casanova, Annick Goutal Ninfeo Mio

The aroma of Casanova is very multifaceted, like Casanova himself, an aristocrat who in his life managed to stroll through an unprecedented state, and then re-earn it. Annik Gutal is a perfumer who was originally a pianist, and then transferred all her music to perfume. Its fragrance is inspired by the Italian garden, and it really sounds like a real garden. It's amazing.

Necklace Zara, bracelet COS, rings - handmade

I wear jewelry extremely rarely. I got some from my grandmother, some I bought during my travels. They all serve as pleasant memories.

Shawls collection

Shawls I have countless number of different sizes and colors. They are all made by hand by my grandmother.

Shoes from left to right: Topshop, Casadei, Topshop, Dolce & Gabbana

Shoes are my passion. Often they are stored for a long time and not worn. I dream that someday I will have a huge collection, which then will get my granddaughters.

Points from the bottom up: Tom Ford, Topshop, Zara

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