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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Tatyana Nikonova about cosmetics, lifestyle and personal care

FOR THE FACE "HEAD"we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of girls of interest to us - and show all this to you.

Pro relationship with age and lifestyle

I am of Komi nationality, it is such a northern nation. My mother has six sisters, so I have a pretty good idea of ​​how I will look in the future, and I haven't been surprised at the reflection in the mirror for a long time. Genetic analysis at 23andMe showed that I have the best kind of longevity gene, so I can easily live for about 100 years. Of these, 40 years, of course, in deep wrinkles, this is half the conscious life. Another reason to bother with less appearance, everything still falls off quickly.

I will soon be 37. I think my generation of women will be the first to actually live two lives en masse: young-fertile in the first half, and then subordinate only to their own interests, for the realization of which both courage and time are enough. I can not imagine any of my peers sitting for twenty years in front of the TV or on the social network. Rather, we will begin to learn new things or go deeper into the beloved old.

I do not drink alcohol, do not abuse coffee, I regularly go to the bathhouse and to massage, I walk a lot with the dog and I like to laugh. I hardly endure intense smells and use almost nothing aromatic. I consider individual orthopedic insoles the best investment in beauty to fly in any shoe, and a mask over the eyes to get enough sleep. Although it is not bad to have money for the procedures. Acne sleep mask does not exactly bring out.

About cosmetology procedures and marketers

I now go to the beautician, but irregularly: I try to get out once a month or two, and this year, it seems, was only once, in the winter. They make me moisturizing masks, weak peels and massage, I usually sleep for an hour and a half. Inside, they offer to undress, wrapped in disposable sheets and covered with a blanket, why not sleep, especially during the day. After the end, I do not see any major changes, but to the touch the skin is smoother and more dense.

The beautician says that you can not appear often, because I have an excellent skin response to the procedure: I think this is due to the absence of smoking. Her smoking clients of my age come once or twice a month for the same effect. At one time I almost completely stopped attending public catering - I hate the smell of tobacco smoke, and my skin dries out and the next day it becomes inflamed, even if it is not very smoky. Fortunately, at last there is no such problem in Moscow.

In general, over the past twenty years, I have spent so much money on caring cosmetics that I can say with certainty: marketers are doing us the full. Miraculous means do not happen, sometimes they come across very good ones, but the main thing is consistency and regularity, then even inexpensive means work. I don’t use anti-aging remedies - I don’t believe in the possibility to stop aging. For two years I was the editor-in-chief of the Ministry of Public Health on the healthy lifestyle Takzdorovo.ru and I am extremely skeptical about advertising promises after everything that I have read and understood in that time. Injections and other more or less deep interventions are also not planned.

Pro makeup

I used to be an expert in two things: how to tame dyed curls and how to gloss over acne. Some people knew me for ten years, but they practically did not notice that something was wrong with the skin, because even in summer I didn’t go out into the street without foundation, two concealers and powder. But when I started going to the gym, I found out that he was incompatible with make-up, braced herself and went to treatment. It all took about a year, now I'm fine. Occasionally, something gets out, but it can be painted over and live in peace. And if they do not paint over, nobody has died from a single minor inflammation on the face.

I am nearsighted, the lenses of glasses noticeably reduce the eyes. In order for eye makeup to work, it is extremely intense to paint under glasses, and it is easier to score than to try so every day. But the idea of ​​telling stories through make-up inspires me. For me, it's more about self-expression than about beauty, beneficial facial features, and the like. In my Pinterest there are almost six thousand images with meiks on the faces of my type: light skin, bright eyes. Cosmetics at home are also mountains. But I have not enough patience to play.

An unexpected discovery at one time was the Neutrogena decorator, I scored it at some American pharmacy because of its cheapness and desire to try something new, and as a result I buy and buy the same thing - unlike, for example, MAC or Shiseido, which time left a small state, and then cooled. Not that MAC was so bad, it just doesn’t suit me now, because it’s rather make-up than make-up, it’s hard and sometimes unpleasant to wear. And they have great products and great marketing ideas.

About hair

I have very thick curly hair, which means that everyone admires them, and I constantly suffer. With a haircut under the machine is convenient, but I love the curls and the back of my head naked freezes. With the third, it seems, attempts have grown to the shoulder blades. For a long time, the love of repainting interfered - at one time I visited all the colors of the rainbow, including highlighting with five or six shades of red at the same time. Twenty years later she painted a short square black, five centimeters deep red bright, then she suffered for a long time with growing, but how beautiful it was!

Now it has stopped changing colors - healthy hairs themselves are very cool, they shine with light brown and copper in the sun, they are easy to take care of and you don’t have to spend a lot of money, time and nerves. The "Jacques Dessange" hairdressers have a great school, they are excellent colorists and surprisingly cleverly cope with curls, however, it costs like a cast-iron bridge, and the perfect coloring does not always happen. Therefore, I now only cut my hair there: you can enroll to any master - and do not spoil anything. The only excess happened last spring when I wanted to shave the temple: flatly refused in three salons in a row with explanations from “we don’t know and don’t want” to “we ruin our reputation!”. I had to myself. Tactile, the most pleasant sensation is not bare skin — it’s kind of too defenseless — and the hedgehog is a few millimeters, I even thought about getting a haircut again, but kept it.

She didn’t pay attention before, but absolutely no short conditioners are required for very short hair - there is enough sebum. I used to get used to batteries of cans and bottles: for dyed hair, for bleached, for damaged, for a neat curl, straightening, moisturizing, against fluffiness, for tips, for growth and just in pretty packaging. And when she cut off almost everything that was painted, life rapidly became simpler. Almost three years ago in Thailand, I went to the store for local massage parlors and hairdressing salons, came out with 36 banks of all kinds of hair products, and dragged them to the hotel with difficulty. Well, carried away a little. She collected local and international brands and simple transparent cans of coconut oil without labels. At home, she asked herself to come to her senses and not buy anything yet. As a result, only now they are over, but I let go and do not pull on shopping.

Watch the video: Tatiana Xtravaganza "Caese Fire" HND 2013 (December 2024).

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