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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Telegram-channel about sex in the animal world

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

In the Telegram channel @sisidapipisi, the embryologist Uliana Toshilo tells in detail about the sex life of various species of animals. So, trout can have an orgasm and even imitate it, golden catfish are engaged in oral sex, female marsupial mammals have three vaginas (and males have two penises) - even if all this information doesn’t really need a non-expert, it is impossible to break away from reading.

Under the ironic headlines like "Pineapple parrot fish arranged a group sex for 1,200 people" hides valuable data - where else do you learn that penguins tend to have sex for food and building materials, homosexual relationships are common in giraffes, and females of pandas better go to contact when they have There is an opportunity to choose a partner. If you have a turtle, but you don’t know for sure if it is a male or female - Ulyana tells how to determine the sex of a reptile using a vibrator.

Watch the video: HOW TO ANALYZE PEOPLE ON SIGHT - FULL AudioBook - Human Analysis, Psychology, Body Language (December 2024).

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