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Editor'S Choice - 2024

New Faces: Josh Maclillan

Josh maclillan

Hair color: blond
Eye color: blue
Growth: 180

Josh Maclillan - the namesake of Miles Maclillan, another male model who also recently successfully declared himself - was born and raised in London. The young man got into the modeling business almost by accident: the photographer Alasdar Maclillan (and again the fateful surname) filmed his group Turbogeist and singled out Josh among the team members. As it turned out, the young man really had the potential - he soon became the face of the Topman autumn-winter campaign.

A year ago, Josh once again starred for advertising - this time the model was offered to work with Margaret Howell. He has not yet succeeded in working at Fashion Weeks, although his composers were composed for several seasons. But in the filming for magazines, he excelled. On the pages of their publications, the young men prefer to see editors of major publications like GQ, Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, as well as independent - Pop, Varon, Client and many others, and for the first time he starred for editorial at Dolce & Gabbana. Josh now works in London, where his interests come from Select.

Watch the video: John Mark McMillan - "Magic Mirror" feat. Josh Garrels. The Lightning Sessions (December 2024).

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