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Buns of contention: Everything you need to know about carbohydrates

THE WORD "CARBOHYDRATES" BECAME ALMOST UNCONFECTABLE.Since serving nutritionists like Atkins and Dukan, the mantra about the dangers of carbohydrates has confused people for a long time: many people still seriously underestimate the role of these substances in the body, including their importance for maintaining a healthy weight. Global fitness boom slightly weakened carbohydrate grip, but did not dispel doubts. Now we know that carbohydrates are “fast” and “slow”, and there is also a “window” when they seem to be possible or even needed to be consumed. However, what to do with this set of disparate facts is not all and not always clear. In order to build a balanced diet and not go crazy, we understand what carbohydrates are, what they are and why they are nowhere without.

Why does the body need carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are essential nutrients that, along with proteins and fats, make up the energy value of food. In the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose - an indispensable fuel for muscle cells and the brain (we talked about these metamorphoses in the material about the benefits and harms of sugar). With blood, glucose is delivered to the cells with the participation of the hormone insulin and provides us with energy for various physical processes, from walking to breathing. Not only fat reserves are formed from glucose residues, but also another source of energy - glycogen, which is deposited in the cells of the liver and muscles. When we sleep, the body uses glycogen found in the liver to support the functioning of the brain, nervous system, and other vital functions. And if in a dream the carbohydrates that are in the liver are consumed, then during physical activity the muscular glycogen is consumed.

Not all carbohydrates are the same. In addition to sugar, whose reputation leaves much to be desired, there are other carbohydrates, such as starch. They are rich in many vegetables, especially potatoes, legumes, and cereals (refined flour is almost pure starch). However, among the complex carbohydrates there are uniquely useful, such as fiber. In the human body there is no enzyme capable of digesting fiber molecules, because its nutritional value is zero, but fiber also does not affect blood sugar levels. Coarse fiber fibers also stimulate intestinal motility and normalize digestion, and some of its species can lower blood cholesterol levels. Cellulose is mainly rich in plant foods: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, nuts and even popcorn (it’s a pity that the absolute benefits do not apply to added sugar, salt and butter in popcorn from the cinema). Women physicians are advised to consume 25 grams of fiber per day, and the average rate for men is 38 grams, while many of us consume no more than 18 grams daily.

Where did the separation of carbohydrates into simple and complex

This classification became widely known in the late 70s of the 20th century after the recommendations of the US Dietary Standards Committee were published. It was introduced in order to separate sugars, which are also called simple or "fast" carbohydrates, from the rest of carbohydrates (complex or "slow") and call for a reduction in the proportion of simple carbohydrates in the diet. Of course, these recommendations are not the ultimate truth: in some complex carbohydrates there is less benefit than in simple ones. Anyway, the fact that carbohydrate carbohydrate strife, scientists have known for a long time. Depending on the number of structural units of saccharides, the chemical classification distinguishes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides (most often disaccharides or trisaccharides) and polysaccharides. Usually, the more sugars, the more difficult the body is to split the carbohydrate molecule to glucose - the main source of energy.

Mono- and disaccharides are sweet in taste and dissolve easily in water (these include, for example, sugar and honey). Because of their relatively small size, they break down into glucose easier and faster, so they are called simple. Simple carbohydrates contain many “fast” calories, but the feeling of satiety after them does not last long. Oligo- and polysaccharides are split up to glucose longer or not split at all, because they are called complex. These include starch and fiber. Because of the worse digestibility of such carbohydrates, the level of glucose in the blood after their consumption increases more slowly and calories are not released so quickly, but the feeling of fullness lasts longer. Both “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates are needed by the body, but in different situations and for different purposes.

In what cases it is better to use "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates

When you need to provide yourself with energy for better performance - say, in the morning or before training, you need "slow" carbohydrates. Glucose from complex carbohydrates enters the blood gradually and provides the body with energy longer than simple carbohydrates. So, having used them for food, a person does not feel hunger for a long time and probably will not eat much more than necessary. The slower the carbohydrate is absorbed, the easier it is for the body to store it and the more energy it enters the muscle cells as glycogen.

There is a myth that during a workout it is impossible to burn fat until muscle glycogen stores are consumed - supposedly the fat oxidation process starts 20 minutes after the start of the workout. In fact, fat is oxidized all the time (even when we sleep), but the rate of oxidation depends on the load on the muscles: the higher it is, the faster the processes are activated. With significant sports loads, the maximum power of oxidative processes is reached by the second or third minute of the workout. So feel free to eat complex "embers" just before jogging or going to the gym: no carbohydrates - no energy.

During long intensive workouts, you can also be supported by carbohydrates, and here they will fall by the way simple. They are also good to fill the carbohydrate window after exercise: simple carbohydrates will be spent on the current needs of the body and do not have time to go into fat stores. "Fast" carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (we’ll tell about it later) are in all foods with added sugar, and also everywhere where it is found in its natural form: in fruits and fruit juices, in pastries and pasta made from processed grains. Of course, not every “fast” carbohydrate is the ideal choice for an urgent charge of energy: it is better to prefer bananas, bread, white rice to sweets and sweet pastries. In addition, it is important to understand that not every "slow" carbohydrate is beneficial. For example, some types of starch increase the concentration of glucose in the blood almost faster and stronger than some sugars.

Do I need to check the glycemic index of foods

The glycemic index will help you understand the “fast” or “slow” carbohydrates you use (GI). GI shows how quickly a particular product, when it enters the body, affects the level of glucose in the blood. Foods with low GI (for example, whole grains, vegetables, legumes) are important components of a healthy diet, but relying solely on this indicator in building a diet is not the most reasonable choice. Although low-GI foods do not give an insulin jump and make you feel full longer, not all of them are automatically helpful. For example, watermelon or parsnip GI is high, and chocolate cake may be lower. The method of preparation and the combination of the product with others significantly influences the GI, so that during a dinner in a restaurant it is not necessary to calculate from the GI what is useful and what is harmful.

It is important to understand that prolonged abuse of "fast" carbohydrates with high GI can really lead to the appearance of excess weight. The body becomes accustomed to intensive insulin production, and its level will remain high even when you finally decide to eat food with low GI. Insulin quickly transfers glucose, and the feeling of hunger appears again, because there is no glucose left in the blood, from which one could get energy for current consumption. As a result, we begin to eat more than we need, and the weight gradually increases if the daily calorie consumption due to physical activity does not compensate for this.

Should I eliminate carbohydrates from the diet

To significantly reduce carbohydrates is to deprive the brain of nutrients, deplete the nervous system and damage muscle tissue. It is to her body calls for energy reserves when it is needed urgently, in particular for household physical exertion not longer than 2-3 minutes. During the activity, the intensity of the lower (eg, walking), consumes mostly fat, but the body will use muscle tissue as the second component of the energy cocktail for those who refuse to carbohydrates and do not eat enough proteins. As a result, it will decrease in volume.

In turn, an excessive amount of protein in a conditionally "carbohydrate-free" diet can lead to an excessive load of the kidneys and liver over time. The link between carbohydrate deficiency and increased fragility of bones is most likely another myth. But it is clear that in an ill-conceived diet with a low carbohydrate content, the daily share of not only proteins, but also saturated fats and trans fats is often increased. This can lead to a jump in "harmful" cholesterol in the blood and, consequently, an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

By replacing fatty and sugary foods with high fiber foods and whole starchy foods, you can significantly increase the nutritional value of the diet, while reducing the usual portion without harm to the body. It is believed that in a more or less balanced menu of an adult, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the level of physical activity, about 20-35% of calories should come from fat, 10-35% from proteins and 45-65% from carbohydrates. Lean on foods that are rich in "slow" carbohydrates, and "fast" save for emergency recharging. However, you should not dwell on the numbers: the most correct guide is not counting calories, but a healthy measure, and carbohydrates - simple and complex - its important part.

Photo: Yeko Photo Studio - stock.adobe.com (1, 2), MovingMoment - stock.adobe.com, Nik_Merkulov - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Rich Roll on Self-Transformation, Environmental Impact of Food, and the Plant-Based Diet (January 2025).

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