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Editor'S Choice - 2024

SMM editor Katya Makarova about favorite cosmetics and fragrances

FOR THE FACE "HEAD" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

Pro skin care

My skin care is extremely simple: cleansing, moisturizing or nutrition, plus a mask and scrub once a week. Before the birth of the child, I strictly adhered to this simple scheme and in general I was satisfied. But motherhood practically deprived me of free time, and, saddened, I gradually abandoned the scrub and mask. In vain. Breastfeeding for up to three years, seven long winterings in Asia without a daily sanskrin have done their dirty deed. The skin imperceptibly turned into dehydrated and dull, and I also turned 33 in the same inconspicuous manner.

I was terrified and immediately returned the masks (now two a week: nourishing and moisturizing with hyaluronicum) and peeling (transferred from scrubs to products with acids). Beauticians hint at Botox and mesotherapy, but for now I pretend that I don’t understand what they are about and spend the money set aside for rejuvenation on the ticket to Denpasar. A trip to Bali perfectly relaxes the muscles of the face. Sometimes I go for a massage, but, unfortunately, Moscow prices are very far from Balinese, and I allow myself this tactile joy only when I have extra money.

Another important point is the packaging design. I can not use the cream if it is in an ugly jar. Nice looking products are sometimes prohibitively expensive, and I am just one of those who can lay out the last 8 thousand for the cream. True last. Therefore, I go to such self-deception: I estimate how much I will use the product, divide the amount by the amount of time, and it turns out that I am quite ready to spend a thousand with something monthly on beauty.

About aromas

I do not keep more than one bottle of toilet water on the shelf. The fragrance should be associated with a certain stage of life: my turbulent novels fall on amber and vetiver perfumes, the pregnancy was with spices and a Christmas tree, and now I languishly mourn under "a rose drowned in wine." For long trips, I always choose a new smell, which then connects me to the country. Olfactory memories are always the strongest.

Once in Paris I bought an unknown perfumer's toilet water for myself and fell in love with her so much that I found a girl on Facebook who came up with these fragrances. For many years she sent me bottles from Canada with handwritten touching notes telling me stories from her life that are similar to mine. I never reveal the name of the brand, and I want to believe that I alone in Russia smell these perfumes. I tried to change the Canadian perfumer a couple of times with other selective perfumery, but almost all of these wonderful fragrances on my skin smell like some cheap perfume. The exception is Byredo: I try by turns, and they do not disappoint.

About habits

I understand perfectly well that sleep, proper food, sports, plenty of water and walks help better than all creams. I would really like to screw something about spinach smoothie in the morning, but “Katya Makarova” and “HLS” are words from different languages. I am sincerely glad when I drink less than five glasses of tea a day. I would really like to get rid of the habit of eating croutons with sugar at 11 pm - while working on myself.

Pro makeup

I paint only eyelashes, sometimes lips and very rarely put on a tone. I used to love blush - they instantly give a fresh look - and now I was too lazy to buy them, and I use lipstick for these purposes. In moments of special courage, I only do monochrome makeup with lipstick, although nobody notices him except me. My inner stray empress tells me to buy gold shadows, glue flies and glue bruises with sequins, but I almost never do that.

About blogs

For five years I was a media evangelist at L'Occitane and for two more years I led a beauty column in Aeroflot Style. When it became clear that I could not go beyond "nourishes, moisturizes, smoothes," I became unbearably boring. Since then, I am not interested in most of the materials about cosmetics. Nevertheless, I am subscribed to Beauty Insider - I respect them for live broadcasts from the operating theaters and the “Beauty Myths” column. I also love to read all the texts about perfumery Ksenia Golovanova.

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