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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Delicate home dragon MacGyver

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We have already shared our favorite blogs of cats, dogs and even raccoons more than once, but you haven’t seen anything like this: meet MacGyver, an Argentine red tag that looks like a killer dragon, but is distinguished by good nature and an outstanding mind for a lizard. According to his mistress, MacGyver responds to his name and comes in if his name is from another room, and he is also critical of his species identity: in different situations, the lizard seems to think that he is a dog or even a man. They treat him like a favorite child: she swims in the bathroom, loves to cuddle with her mistress, watches TV shows with her and wears a sweater that is especially associated for him.

MacGyver recently celebrated his fourth birthday with a fish cake with candles. You have to agree that not everyone is becoming a popular blogger at this age - and the red tag succeeded: 45 thousand people subscribed to the lizard YouTube channel, 162 thousand subscribed to Instagram. Mistress MacGyvera does not only make funny videos about his life, but also arranges meetings with fans, as well as enlightens those who want to have the same lizard: for example, in this video she tells how to organize a happy life for a home tag. It is worth noting that these animals are well tamed and do not belong to rare exotic animals whose content is forbidden in apartments: you can legally buy the red tag in the USA, where MacGyver lives, and in Russia - however, you will have to build a large terrarium for your pet forces care for him.

Watch the video: Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed (December 2024).

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