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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Evapolar Personal Air Conditioner and Humidifier

TELLING about interesting, useful, beautiful, strange or smart things you want to buy immediately.




Evapolar - something like an improved humidifier, but only for personal use (on an area of ​​3-4 square meters) and with a cooling function. For example, in dry and heated to 25 degrees air - typical conditions of a room with central heating in winter - the device can cool your workplace to 15-21 degrees. Moist air is much more comfortable for the skin and mucous membranes, and thanks to this conditioner it will be easier to breathe.

The device works from a USB or a regular power outlet and consumes very little power. A more advanced version of Smart can be controlled through the application on the phone, and the air conditioning lighting changes depending on your taste or mood.

Photo: Evapolar

Watch the video: Evapolar Review: Your Personal Swamp Cooler (May 2024).

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