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Editor'S Choice - 2024

AIDS Day: Expert Tips and Personal Experience

In Russia, in 2015, stated the HIV epidemic — and the incidence just keeps rising. Despite the fact that proper treatment allows HIV-positive people to live a long and fulfilling life, have sex and have children who are free from HIV, the infection is still surrounded by many stereotypes and myths. December 1 is World AIDS Day, and in honor of it, we decided to remind once again: what precautions should be taken, where to get tested, what to do if its result is positive - and why you cannot trust HIV-dissidents.

HIV Epidemic in Russia: How to protect yourself and not be afraid

With the help of experts, we understand how the spread of HIV in Russia has grown into an epidemic, why it is important to learn how to live in such conditions and what can be done to achieve a global solution

How to give birth to a child if one of the partners is HIV-positive

We asked two heroines about the experience of pregnancy and childbirth in a discordant couple, and also asked the expert to give practical advice to those who are only thinking about this issue.

How I was a HIV dissident and quit treatment

Vadim K. on how a person with HIV infection lives, what is treatment and why it is so easy to be in the network of HIV-dissidents

Sleep well: Condom Guide

Sex blogger Tatyana Nikonova has prepared a useful instruction - with the rules, the knowledge of which will save you from disappointments and unpleasant surprises

Why do anti-vaccineers and HIV-dissidents believe

We understand the mass antiscientific movements, the reasons for their appearance and why they are so tenacious

Can we talk about a complete cure for HIV infection

Is it even possible to talk about complete recovery after infections with hepatitis viruses or HIV and whether the body is able to cope with them independently

Why everyone should get an HIV test and how to live

Many of us prefer not to think about the problem, nor about prevention, believing that it cannot touch them. Experts explained to us how to stop being afraid, take an HIV test and be conscious of the situation.

Human rights activist Anna Sarang on drugs and the HIV epidemic in Russia

We talked with the president of the Andrei Rylkov Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Social Justice on Russian drug policy issues and the fight against HIV

COVER: andy0man - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Living with HIV - managing symptoms and life expectancy (December 2024).

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