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Question to the expert: Is it true that to give birth lying is wrong

Olga Lukinskaya

RESPONSES TO THE MAJORITY OF US QUESTIONS we used to search online. In the new series of materials we ask such questions: burning, unexpected or widespread - to professionals in various fields.

In modern medicine, the management of pregnancy and childbirth is a constant search for balance. Processes, of course, natural - but they can face serious complications; Doctors want to keep the situation under control, not letting it flow, but do not interfere too much. Recently, they are increasingly saying that it is necessary to give birth in an upright position, rather than lying: so it is easier for the pelvic bones to miss a child and the pain will not be so pronounced. There is some truth in this, although in the era of effective anesthetics, the issue of pain is not at all relevant to everyone.

There is evidence that the competition between doctors, midwives and barber surgeons translated the position of women - the latter positioned pregnancy and childbirth as a disease requiring intervention, and invented special chairs and beds for this. It is possible that in France the views of Louis XIV contributed to the spread of the practice of horizontal childbirth - they say he just liked to see how children are born, and nothing was visible in the upright position. But most often we are talking about the transition to childbirth lying in order to the convenience of the doctor, so that you can monitor the situation and take action in time if they are necessary.

Still, how safer and safer? If childbirth in the supine position is a tribute to the convenience of the medical staff, but avoiding naturalness, does this mean that they can harm the mother and child? We asked these questions to the expert.

Tatyana Rumyantseva

Obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD, author of the blog Rumyantseva MD

In accordance with modern international recommendations, the doctor should allow the woman to give birth in the position that she thinks is most convenient at the time of the attempts. Historically, women didn’t really give birth lying on their backs - such a posture began to be used when obstetric forceps were invented, that is, the main advantage of birth on the back is the convenience of the midwife and the doctor, and not the optimization of this period for a woman. Another indisputable plus is the opportunity to relax as much as possible between attempts (which is much more difficult when standing or, for example, squatting). The main disadvantage of childbirth on the back is the lack of help of gravity at this difficult moment. The recommendations on the verticalization of labor are connected with this.

The squatting position is considered the most advantageous - in this case, in addition to the effect of gravity, the "throughput" of the pelvic bones slightly increases, facilitating the passage of the child. But a serious minus of this position is that it is the most energy-intensive, and often the woman is exhausted enough at the time of the attempt, and she needs periods of relaxation. In other words, all variants of vertical positions (squatting, kneeling with support under the arms) are really more “natural” for childbirth, which makes their second period somewhat shorter. (The second period of labor is the attempts and the birth of the child itself. - Approx. Ed.). However, it is important that “natural childbirth” is not only a change of pose for a vertical one, but also an opportunity to push when the body requires it, and not at the command of the medical staff. This also makes the attempts more effective, and the second period of labor - more concise.

Variants of vertical positions are really more "natural" for childbirth, which makes the period of attempts and the birth of a child shorter

Does this mean that giving birth on your back will harm a woman and baby? Overwhelmingly, there is no, although vertical childbirth can alleviate the pain a little. On the other hand, when a woman lies on her back, it is easier for the medical staff to keep track of what is happening with the mother and child - sometimes this is critical for maintaining the health of both. Is it possible to plan in advance exactly how the birth will take place? You can plan, but you cannot guarantee that everything will go that way. Many women who have studied breathing practices and tuned to the most natural childbirth without anesthesia, are asked to do an epidural anesthesia within an hour after the onset of labor. Others by the time the attempts are so frazzled that they are not ready to take any position other than horizontal.

All this is due to the fact that a woman does not imagine the power of pain in contractions, preparing for the first childbirth, or overestimating her abilities, as well as the power of breathing and mental practices. When preparing for childbirth, it is worth knowing as much information as possible, agreeing that you will be given certain freedom in childbirth, and then listen to your body - but you should not try to follow the outlined scheme at any cost. Less suffering during childbirth, good anesthesia and a prone position will definitely not make you a less good mother.

Photo:Sergey Skleznev - stock.adobe.com, Stormoff

Watch the video: #Momsplaining with Kristen Bell: PregnancyRealness (May 2024).

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