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Beautiful words: How to understand care product labels

WONDERZINE continues to compile a dictionary of cosmetic terms. In the first issue we dealt with decorative cosmetics, this time we write about face and body care and everything connected with it.


In the context of skin care - a powerful moisturizing ingredient, a frequent component of creams and serums, but sold separately. Hyaluronic acid is present in almost all organs, and sometimes (if we speak about appearance, again) it is filled with a lack of injections by means of injections — the acid acts as a filler (see below).

Example: Since I started adding a couple of drops of hyaluronic acid to the cream, my skin has become more moist.


Makeup Remover. It is hydrophilic because, unlike conventional oils, it is completely washed off with water. Properly use it like this: dry make-up face should be briefly massaged with oil and then, gradually wetting the hands with water, wash it off.

Example: Finally found an approach to BB-cream - it is only hydrophilic oil and washed off.


Another makeup remover, this time lotion. In its composition there are micelles - molecules of fatty acids, which dissolve cosmetics. It is important to remember that, as a rule, one micellar water is not enough for a full wash: it washes away the mascara and concealer, but it doesn’t clean the skin too deeply.

Example: The ink is excellent, but washed off so-so - you can not take a micelle.


Most often parabens act as preservatives in cosmetics: methylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben. They prolong the life of creams due to the fact that they inhibit the growth of bacteria and microbes, but their absolute safety has not yet been proven: there are suspicions that parabens promote the formation of cancer cells.

Example: It’s a pity I don’t have time to use the cream before the expiration date: it has no parabens and lives only a few months.


Masks for the skin around the eyes. Often, the skin in this area requires additional care (although many people use the same cream all over the face and do not break off): not only to moisturize, but also to remove the swelling, to lighten the dark circles (not working anymore), to remove small wrinkles caused by dehydration. Therefore, there are patches - not everyone does all of the above, but they all provide extensive care.

Example: All day I sit in front of the monitor, I save my eyes only with patches.


The procedure using exfoliating or grinding tools to remove the dead skin layer. Peelings are different in degree and mode of action: chemical, physical, laser (and not only); superficial and deep. The tasks facing them, of course, are also different.

Example: The skin after peeling with fruit acids is just perfectly smooth.


Substances that must protect the skin and hair from adverse environmental conditions and help them stay hydrated. We defined silicones exactly in the category of care, because everyone is worried about how they affect the body, and not what they look like - the fact that the skin is smooth and the hair shine does not embarrass anyone. The main problem with silicones is allergy: if there is none, then dimethicone and methicone (they are found most often) do only well.

Example: It seems that silicone silicone creams clog my pores.


Substances that are usually injected to improve skin texture (“pushing out” wrinkles) or giving volume to certain parts of the face and body: filler injections (for example, Restylane) are used to increase and correct the shape of the lips. Sometimes non-invasive products are also called fillers, in which case the manufacturer implies or promises care comparable to injections - smoothing the same wrinkles.

Example: Annoying wrinkle between the eyebrows, all I want to inject a filler.


One of the indicators of the degrees of UV protection that sunscreen (Sanskrin) can provide. The higher the SPF value, the better you are (and in general we have already covered this topic).

Example: I want to find a normal sanskrin with SPF 50, but I'm afraid that my “thirty” is not enough.


Designations of ultraviolet rays of different lengths. If all three (hardly) or two of the first (most likely) are written on the sunscreen tube, then there are components in the Sanskrin that provide solid protection from the sun (the question of their concentration is separate).

Example: In vain they wrote in small print about UVA and UVB, I would never look at this Sanskrin without your guidance.

Watch the video: What is the meaning behind those beauty product labels? (January 2025).

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