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Editor'S Choice - 2025

What you need to know about natural German cosmetics Weleda

IN RUBRIC "HOW TO COLLECT THE COSMETIC"We talk about interesting cosmetics - cheap, expensive, rare, beloved by makeup artists and bloggers, suitable for simple and complex makeup - and accessories for it.

It is unlikely that the reader of this column thinks that the passion for cosmetics is a sign of superficiality, but if so, the disagreeing editor has another trump card. The natural cosmetics brand Weleda was founded in 1921 by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. In a nutshell, this current involves a combination of rational and spiritual methods for exploring the inner world of a person and his self-development. In turn, anthroposophic medicine is a kind of alternative (both are criticized due to insufficient justification compared with traditional medicine); its concept was developed by Steiner and the Dutch doctor Ita Wegman. Weleda is also their brainchild, in the creation of which the pharmacist Oscar Schmidel took a considerable part.

If we ignore the ideological brand and look for its absolute merits, this is what remains. Weleda does not use synthetic ingredients (they are by no means bad, but for a company that positions itself as natural, this sequence is only a plus), including flavoring and preservatives. The brand does not test products on animals and with special care approaches vegans, diabetics and those who do not tolerate gluten: on the official website there is a list of products that suit them. Without the principle of "sustainability", Weleda is also nowhere: in 2009, the company drastically reduced its use of coal and replaced it with renewable energy sources - that is, wind, sunlight and water.

Weleda does not produce decorative cosmetics, and the one that is intended for the care, is divided not only by application areas, but also by the main plants in the composition. There are only twelve flower lines: there are lavender, wild rose, citrus, pomegranate and others. And functionally, there are eight of them: men's, children's cosmetics, products for the face, hair, oral cavity, some for pregnant women and a number of dietary supplements. It is safe to begin acquaintance with any can, but it is logical to choose something non-binding and vaunted, like saline toothpaste, massage oils or hand cream.

You can buy Weleda at most city pharmacies, online stores and online cosmetics stores. A complete list of points of sale can be found here. Prices at the brand are pleasantly low: most of the funds are in the range from 400 to 1500 rubles.

Watch the video: Weleda Baby Products. Best Organic Baby Products (January 2025).

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