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Editor'S Choice - 2024

"Forbidden topic": 10 materials about menstruation

Menstruation is an important part of women's life. but this topic is still taboo. Stereotypes and lack of information prevent women from listening to the needs of their bodies and speaking openly about problems and difficulties. We hope to rectify the situation - for this we have collected ten materials about menstruation, how to alleviate our condition during menstruation, what hygiene products can be used, what difficulties can be encountered and how to change society’s attitude to the natural process.

Menstruation and Prejudice: Hygiene, PMS and a culture of shame

We understand how menstruation occurs, what it is important to pay attention to during menstruation, why this quite natural phenomenon is so uneasy in society and what we can do to correct the situation.

Art projects about female physiology

Two years ago, in a social network, the project of the poetess and artist Rupi Kaur, who tried to change the attitude of society towards menstruation, thundered. We remembered the documentary projects that show a female body without embellishment and urge us to stop considering this as imperfections.

Menstruation Sex: Arguments and Facts

Women are imposed the opinion that menstruation is dirty and indecent, so they need to be hidden. With such an attitude to menstruation, sex during it may also seem forbidden. They asked the gynecologists if you can still have sex during menstruation.

Should we pay for tampons and pads

On average, menstruation accounts for six years in a woman’s life, and each of these days is accompanied by spending on pads, tampons, and sometimes pain pills. We understand how this issue is solved in the world.

How to make life easier during menstruation

Often we decide to endure each month instead of trying to alleviate our lot. But most women face similar problems and they can be solved. We collected several proven ways to make life during menstruation easier and more enjoyable.


Why PMS is not a joke.

We understand what a premenstrual syndrome is, why it becomes unbearably bad for many women once a month and how to change their attitude to the situation.

Why do you need to go to the gynecologist-endocrinologist

Recently, it became clear that the best approach to understanding the many processes in our body is the union of several medical disciplines. We figured out who a gynecologist is an endocrinologist and why everybody needs such a specialist.


Why is there a monthly delay?

The human body is sensitive to a wide variety of influences, and unexpected factors can affect such a delicate thing as hormonal balance. We understand when it is still necessary to sound the alarm, and when the failure of the menstrual cycle can be ignored.

Is it true that permanent menses wear out the body?

We have time to go through more than 450 cycles in our lives, in connection with which there is a scientific opinion that endless ovulation and menstruation are stress for the reproductive system. We asked the obstetrician-gynecologist to help sort out the issue.

Menstrual caps, taking into account features of the female body

Menstrual cups gradually win over the market from gaskets and tampons - if only because there are practically no contraindications to their use. We chose popular, beautiful and innovative options and looked at their features.

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