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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Wishlist: Glasses to help make up for myopia

TELLING about interesting, useful, beautiful, strange or smart things you want to buy immediately.



Visual impairment, if corrected, may not interfere with living, working and playing sports, and glasses are also perceived by many as an interesting accessory. But to make up eyes with significant myopia is a problem, especially for those who do not wear lenses at all or have refused them for a while. To solve this issue, you can use glasses with a single lens, designed specifically for makeup.

There are many such points, and the lens in them is thrown from left to right, either on a magnet or using a simple turning mechanism. You can find glasses with lenses that simply magnify the image several times, but we prefer the opportunity to choose the lenses by diopter. You can choose a frame (from transparent to bright red), and the color of the arms (from pink to black).

Photo: I heart eyewear

Watch the video: All About My Glasses! (May 2024).

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